Prussia x Reader - Cold Feet

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Winter seemed to have really taken a toll on you this year as you shuffled inside your small condo.

It wasn't that you didn't like winter. But when it is still November and the temperature suddenly decides to drop from 10 to -20⁰C, it becomes a problem. You and many others were unaware of this sudden drop, so you were dressed in a thin (f/c) sweater, dark slim jeans and black dress boots.

Cursing, with a shaking hand, you dug around your massive purse for you house keys. All the while, not knowing your albino boyfriend awaited for you on your sofa.

You and Gilbert have been together for 2 years. He had snow white hair, piercing red eyes and always wore the same devilish smirk. He always knew exactly what pushed your buttons and what cooled you down.

Finally, you grasped the frozen metal keys and shoved them into the lock. Sighing, you turned the key and pushed open the oak door.

"Hallo mien frau!" Gilbert shouted happily. His happiness ended as he took you in. Your shaking form and cherry red nose. He quickly led you into the house and wrapped you in a thick wool blanket. He placed you on your shared bed and continued piling blankets on top of your shivering form.

This continued until he had grabbed every blanket in your household. He then proceeded to take off his t-shirt and crawl under the pile of wool and cotton.

"Hmmm....." you murmured as he pulled you to his chest. By now you had changed into a large sweater and cozy PJ pants.

"Jeez, your freezing." Gilbert chuckled pulling you closer.

You muttered something incoherent and snuggled into his pale torso. He draped his muscular arms over you.

You shifted your legs and heard Gilbert shierk.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"Your feet are like ice!" he griped and shuffled away.

Pouting and missing the warmth, you snuggled closer. "Noooooo.....come baaaaacccccckkkkk." you moaned, wrapping your icey hand around his torso and running them down his abs.

"Jesus!" he shouted nearly falling out of the large bed. You giggled and let your fingers ghost over his spine. He tried wiggling away but you put your feet against his calves. "________!" He squealed as he tried getting out of your volcan death grip.

"Nien!" you shouted back. The Prussia sent a playful glare your way and stopped struggling.

"Fine! two can play at this game!" he shouted and stuck his freezing hands up your sweater and rested them against your sides.

"Oh my God!" you cried and attempted to shuffle away from him. But he was having none of that.

He latched onto you like a leech. "Gil stop! You're so cold!" you squealed and pressed your feet into his lower back. He winced and laughed, resting his hands on your middle.

You both wrestled like this for what seemed like hours. Finally, you and your albino boyfriend laid together, wrapped in each other's chilly limbs. Your head lay on his pale, bare chest. Both of you smiled blissfully. Gilberts red eyes met your (e/c) one's and he placed a soft kiss on your lips. His fingers play with the ropes on your sweater hood.

"Ich liebe dich _______." he purred and pulled you closer to him.

"I love you too Gil." you mumbled before drifting off into a peaceful and cozy slumber.

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