Wall-E!Norway x Reader- Dust

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The little, rusty robot sighed. He looked at the landscape around him. It was all dust, rust, trash, and waste. It was disgusting. "Lukas", or WALL-E, threw the box of garbage he was holding, and sat down on the orange earth, hugging his knees to his chest.

His purple-ish violet eyes shone in sadness. He looked up at the gray sky, hoping something would accompany him in this bad excuse for a planet. He squinted when he actually saw something twinkle in the dark sky. His eyes widened when he saw that it was getting closer and closer to the ground at a fast speed, right at his direction.

He wheezed as his robotic legs tried to take him far away from the exotic and advanced spaceship that was landing quickly on the ground. No use. He fell on his face and groaned as the ship landed next to his body. His face still on the ground, he played dead when he heard something come out from the ship. It was moving closer and closer to him. He peeked a bit, trying to see who or what was approaching him, to be met with a blast that missed his head by merely a millimeter. He looked up and saw a beautiful and advanced-looking robot. She had (h/c) hair and (e/c). She seemed to be startled by the sudden move of Lukas' head, and shot at him again, resulting in him jumping up, and persuading her to stop shooting him. When she was finally persuaded, they introduced themselves.

"I'm Lukas, or WALL-E. What's your name?" Lukas asked, still a bit shaken by the fact that he'd escaped death twice.

"My name is ______, production code 21122012. I am part of the EVE series." She says, trying to stifle a yawn as she rubs the back of her neck.

'Cute..' Lukas says, oblivious to the growing blush on his cheeks. He snaps himself out of his thoughts. "W-would you like to look around here, _-______?" He stutters, out of fright and nervousness. ______'s smile scared Lukas' uneasy feelings away. "Okay, Lukas."

And so, the two robots looked around the place. Lukas realized that he was starting to like her, and tried to flirt with her only for him to fall down old stairs, crash into trolleys, and get accidentally shot at (by you, of course). ______ told Lukas about her mission to find life signs on Earth, but it seems futile, since everything there was dirt and dust. They sat down in between the piles of trash that polluted the air of the planet. Lukas tried to encourage ______, but to no avail.

"Th-there has to be SOME form of life here, ______!"

"It's obvious that there isn't any, Lukas."

"How do YOU know?"

There was a silence. Then ______ sighed and changed the subject.

She shrugged. "I guess I'll just have to go back home." She stood up and smiled at Lukas. "Thank you for today though, Lukas." She started walking away, back to her ship, much to Lukas' dismay. "No! Don't leave me alone in HERE, ______..." He begged, a rusty tear fell down his cheek, stopping ______ in her tracks. "I'm so lonely in here.. Please stay with me.." He hung his head as he hugged the female robot. ______ felt her mood droop. She hugged him back. "I'm so sorry, Lukas." And with tears flying, she ran back up to her ship. Much to his horror, Lukas saw the ship start to take off. He gasps and looks frantically around, trying to find something that will make ______ stay.

Eyes scanning the red ground, he spotted something beautiful. It was hope, and it had a green stem and green leaves. He picked it up before jumping onto the ship, getting inside at the last minute. In a cramped room, he saw thousands of 'sleeping' _______s. All of them looked like her, but he knew which one was his. But she wasn't there.

Lukas sighed, carefully clutching the green plant to his heart.

'What have I gotten myself into?' He thought to himself, as the ship flew out of Earth's atmosphere, beginning his weird, thrilling, and funny adventure.

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