Little!Russia x Little!Reader

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Happy ending 

Near the outskirts of a deep forest, there lies a crystal clear river. It had shining little pebbles beneath the surface. Despite it's beautiful appearance, it had a dangerous current. It was very fast and strong.

One sunny morning, a little girl with long (h/c) braids went down to the river. She had just seen her parents argue with each other. Her father's face had gone red out of anger, and her mother shouted bad words at the girl's father. Scared, the little girl runs away from her house. Her parents didn't even notice the little girl run towards a forest, since they were both too occupied with their argument.

The little girl kneeled down near the edge of the river. She inhaled the fresh air emmited by the forest. It was slightly humid, but was also a nice cold temperature. The girl slightly twitched when she heard a twig crack near her. She turned around thinking it was her parents. She was surprised to
see a little boy about the same age as she was. His hair was a soft light beige color and his eyes were an intense violet. He had a small innocent smile on his face. "Why is a pretty girl like you in a place like this??" He sat beside her. "Moy name is Ivan." He held his hand out to the little girl, waiting for her to shake it. The girl smiled at him reaching her hand out. She shook his hand. It was slightly pudgy, but also slightly gruff. "My name is ______! ______ __________." He smiled. "Nice to meet you. So, um, as I was saying, why are you in this place?"

______'s smile turned into a frowning pair of lips when she remembered her parents shouting at each other. She notices Ivan's cheery face change into worried expression when she frowned, and she immediately pasted a smile back on her lips. "No reason. The river makes me happy, that's all!" The girl chirped, with fake happiness. Ivan pouted. "You're lying, ______.. Please tell me what's wrong." ______ lips trembled and she began to cry. Ivan wrapped her around his arms as she wept. She told her story in between sobs. After she finished telling him about her, he thumbed her tears away, and smiled at her. "Don't cry. You become less pretty when you do.." He sighed. "I bet your parents are wondering where you are, especially when you ran away like that." As if on cue, the girl's parents' voices were heard. They were calling for their daughter. ______ sniffled a bit, then smiled. She buried her face in Ivan's chest and whispered, "Thank you, Ivan." Then she ran towards her parents, looking back to see Ivan waving at you, a smile plastered on his face.

'I hope I can meet you again, Ivan!'

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