America x Reader - I Promise

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"It's over." the sandy blond man said bluntly.

"W-what?" you asked as tears begun to form in the corners of your big (e/c) eyes. You two were happily eating dinner at your apartment.

The American pushed up his glasses that had become askew. "I'm just not into you anymore," he rose from his chair and headed for the door. "to be honest, I never really was into you." and with those final heart crushing words, he left.

You and the American boy named Alfred have been dating for the past 2 years. Things have always gone so great! You loved him and he loved you. Or so you thought.

Now you sit in your chair. Too stunned to move or feel the hot tears running down your cheeks. What did you do? What happened to cause this?

Thousands of questions raced through your mind. You stood up and stumbled to your bedroom, flopped on the bed and cried your eyes out.

----Alfred P.O.V-----

I closed _______'s door behind me and sank to the floor. I can't believe I actually broke up with her! Just because everyone else said she was an outcast and a loser. I let the words get to me. They said it would ruin my rep at school. They started to laugh at me for eating lunch with her, when I carried her books for her, or even when I talked to her.

_____ was always bullied at school. All she had to do was show up and someone would find something snide to say about her.

She lost her parents about a year ago too. So she started living on her own. We have been friends since we were kids. I remember when she used to smile so much. Now, it was rare to even see her grin.

I feel now, I have only made things worse.

I still love her.

---Time Skip brought to you by THE HERO~ Alfred F. Jone----

I'm really worried about ______ now. She hasn't shown up for school in a week. I was changing for my baseball game when one of my teammates clapped my shoulder.

"So, you finally ditched that dork! I'm proud of ya!" he said laughing. I ground my teeth in annoyance.

"I can't believe still that you went out with her! I guessing it was all out of pity, right Al-" I cut him off by slamming him into the locker.

"Shut up." I growled. They all looked at me shocked. I never got angry at them no matter what. I grabbed his collar and stormed out of the locker room.

"Vhere are you going?!" called Gilbert. The white haired male had been one of the only ones to approve of mine and ______'s relationship.

"Fixing my mistake." I called back running down the hall.

I looked back to see the Prussian man smile at me.

----Time Skip-----

I quickly ran home to find my older brother Arthur. He would know what to do.

I burst through the front door and found him in the kitchen with a tea kettle in his hand.
"Dude! I need your help!" I said coming closer to him.

He sighed before answering. "What did you break now Alfred?"

I shook my head. "No! I didn't break anything! I miss _______. I didn't want to break up with her. What do I do?" I said almost in tears just from thinking about her.

Arthur and ______ were good friends. They were in book club together. He's the one who introduced us in the first place.

"Have you heard from her lately? She hasn't even been at school." I say sadly.

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