Germany x Reader- Shower Curtain

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A ripping sound was heard, and there you were, rubbing your sore rear in the bathtub. You just finished relaxing from a bubble bath, and stood up to unplug the drain. Unfortunately, you slipped and your reflexes cause you to grab your pineapple-patterned shower curtains, ripping half of them apart. "Aaarrrgghhh!" You groaned. Now you had to buy new shower curtains. Lazily, you lifted your bum off the bath tub, and dried your body and (h/c) (h/l) hair using a (f/c) plaid towel.

You put on a purple tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans. You wore a black jacket to shield your skin against the freezing cold. With that, you grabbed your bag, and started driving your car to the nearest Home Depot, in search for shower curtains.

You finally found the one you like, a (f/c) one with white snowflake prints on it. You ran to an empty line, and a tall man went after you. You stare at him. He was REALLY tall and muscular. His blonde hair was slicked back, and his ice-blue eyes looked cool. Blushing, you gave your box of shower curtain to the cashier. She scanned the barcode.

"$22.50, please." She says with a monotone voice.

"Oh, okay.." You reach in your bag, trying to find your little leather wallet. "...Oh no." You were in such a rush to go to Home Depot that you forgot your wallet. The guy behind you seems to notice, because he asks you something.

"Vhat's vrong, Miss?"
"Oh.. I think I left my wallet at home.."

He stared at you for a few seconds when he took out his wallet and pulled $22.50 out of it and handed the money to the cashier. You stare in awe.

"Thank you for purchasing our product." The employee half-heartedly says. You nod at her and wait for the blonde haired man to finish purchasing his stuff. When he did, you striked up a conversation with him.

"Hey, uh.. Thanks for that.."
"Anyzhing for zhe beautiful frau."
Your face blushes. 'Beautiful? He thinks I'm beautiful?'

"Oh.. T-t-thank you.. Wh-what's your name?!"
"Mein name? Ludvig."
"Lu-Ludwig? Nice to meet you. My name's ______."
He smiled at you, giving you another blush.

"Well,______," Ludwig's smile turns into a smirk, "could you repay me by letting me take you out to lunch?"
By now, your face felt like lava.
"O-of course!"
He holds out his arm, and you grab it. Your tense shoulders started to relax. You smile.
'All this because of shower curtains..'

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