Pirate! England x Modern! Reader - Memory

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"Where am I?" you groaned, the scent of sea water invading your nostrils.
You laid on what appeared to be a beach in the middle of nowhere. "How the hell did I get here?!" you half yelled half whispered out loud. Then you remembered.

------- Flash Back----------

You and your best friend Arthur Kirkland were goofing around in his basement. Well, you were doing most of the goofing.

You already new that Arthur was a country, England to be exact. You teased him sometimes about being old, but not enough to hurt his feelings.

Arthur's basement looked like a wizards layer. He had potions, spell books and wands. He wore a long black cloak around his thin shoulders. He was showing you how to create small balls of light, but you weren't paying much attention. You were leaning your elbow against the cluttered wooden desk and began to close your eyes. Arthur noticed this and his bushy brows creased.

"Pay attention _______!" he snapped in his lovely British accent. You felt yourself have a mini heart attack as you fell off the chair you were seated on, taking about half the tables content with you.

Puffs of different color smoke whirled around you."Arthur!" you cried out as you felt your vision fading, until the world went completely black.

------End of Flash Back--------

"Well crap..." you stood, head throbbing. Your now sand covered (f/c) track pants hung off of your waist. Your (f/c) tank top and shoes had dirt in all the nooks and crannies.

You growled in annoyance flapping out your shirt, muttering a sting of colorful curses as you did so.

"My, my, what do we have here?" a smooth voice purred.

You whipped around to see someone who looked Arthur. He dressed in a loose, white button down shirt with a blood red coat over top, and brown trousers. He had the same blonde hair, same eyebrows, and was the same height. The only things different would be the mischief in his bright green eyes and the arrogant smirk that adorned his face.

"Arthur?" you asked.

His smirk widened. "That's Captain Kirkland to you, wench."

One of you eyebrows shot up in disgust and annoyance.

"Excuse you?" you glared at him. You were always rather sassy.

He looked surprised that you didn't cower away from him.

He stepped towards you, so close that his nose was nearly touching yours. But you didn't back down, you matched his glare.

"You are quite interesting love," he murmured. "I like that."

You growled in his face. "Look it you Pirates of the Caribbean reject," you snarled. "I do not have time for your bull shit right now."

The pirate chuckled. "What a mouth you have their wench," he grabbed your chin between his thumb and fore finger. "I might just need to close it."

"You have about 3 seconds to get your hands off me before I kick you so hard you future self will hurt."

"You wouldn't - " he was cut off by his own cry of pain. He dropped to his knees in the sand. "Bloody Hell!"


Arthur was currently trying to find a way to bring you back to your time period. As he rummaged through books and loose papers that littered his desk, he felt a sharp pain in his lower half. He cried out and nearly fell of the chair.

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