Pirate! Spain x Child! Reader - Running Away

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"Help me!" You cried out as you ran from your home.

"Get back here you fucking brat!" snarled your drunken father as he chased after you.

After drowning himself in whisky, you father would normally yell at you or hit you. Being at the young age of 4, you didn't know how to fight back, or even protect yourself. And you were certainly confused as to why he was hurting you.

For tonight as an example. You were merely playing with a toy your mother had given you before she passed, when your father burst through the door. He swayed towards you. You could smell the alcohol off him. It was disgusting. He grabbed you by your hair and threw you to the ground, causing your head to begin bleeding and you seeing spots. He then let go you and screamed at you. Calling you worthless and a wench. You got up and ran. He followed after you.

So here you were, running at top speed through the rough dirt path that curved towards the docks. On the old dock, you skidded behind some old barrels. The scent of sea water wafting in the air. You held your breath as your father ran by. After a few seconds, you exhaled. A rough hand grabbed you by the neck. You thrashed and coughed, kicking everywhere. You could feel the life leaving your body.

"Ya worthless piece of shit!" your father growled. "Ye never die do you?!" he shouted while plunging you into the water. You screamed, water filling your lungs. You thrashed and were only pushed down deeper. You felt your body begin to give in. Your father let go of you as your body began to sink.

'Someone save me...' you thought sadly to yourself.

Suddenly, you felt yourself be pulled from the water by the scruff of your shirt. You breathed heavily and coughed violently.

You could hear screams and shouts of pain, then a low moan and everything went silent. Until a loud splash was heard from beside you.

You opened your stinging (e/c) to see a man kneeling above you. He had lovely tanned skin and bright green eyes. His chocolate brown air was cover in a blood red pirate hat.


'I'm doomed!' you dread fully thought.

You and the man stared at each other for a while, then he smiled warmly at you.

"Hola chica," he said in a thick Spanish accent. "My name is Antonio, what is your name?"

You were still in shock. But you cutely mumbled out. "_______...." Antonio squealed and lifted your soaked form in his arms. One of his crew members brought you a blanket, which Antonio wrapped you in.

"W-where, where is he?" you asked in a panic.

Antonio looked down at you. "Who chica?"

You gulped. "My father, he was the one trying to hurt me." Antonio's beautiful green eyes widened and darkened.

"Don't worry amor, he can't hurt you anymore." he whispered soothingly. You nodded and snuggled into the warmth of the man's chest. But before you closed your eyes, you could have sworn you saw your father's body, face down and afloat in the water.

------Time Skip------

You awoke on a soft plush bed. You looked around to see painting of ship and many gems spread across the room. You rubbed your big (e/c) eyes with your small fist. Lungs still burning from the latest events. You thought back to the trauma and did what any 4 year old would do. Cry.

Antonio rushed into the room at the sound of your cries.

"______! Are you okay?!" he sat beside you and cradled you in his arms. You latched onto him and continued crying. He whispered soothing words in Spanish in your ear and rubbed small circles in your back until you relaxed.

"Now, what is wrong chica?"

"I-I got scared from last night." you muttered into his strong shoulders. He smiled a little.

"Don't worry _______.I will never let anything happen to you, I promise."

You sniffled and looked up at him with big, teary (e/c) eyes. "R-really?"

Antonio gave you a light hearted smile. "Really."

And ever since that day, the cunning pirate has never broken his promise.

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