England x Reader Easter Fluffy Bunnies

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"Look Artie! Their so cute!" you squealed picking up the fluffy creature. Your boyfriend Arthur sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"I told you before not to call me that love." he grumbled.

"Aww! But it suits you!" you said giving him a peck on his now rosie cheek. You giggled at his flustered face and continued petting the small rabbit in your arms. The fluffy white animal nuzzled into your hand. Its thin whiskers tickling you (s/c) skin. You let out an "Aww~" and continued stroking the rabbit.

Arthur chuckled at you and handed you a carrot. You looked at him sceptically until you smiled and took the carrot. You sit down on the dirt and grass ground. Arthur simply stand beside you. He enjoys watching you smile. That was the entire reason he took you to this bunny farm today. He knows how much you love them.

You held up the bright orange vegetable to the rabbits mouth and watched it nibble. You were so lost in the cuteness, you didn't even realize more rabbits were coming towards you. Arthur slipped you out of your cuteness induced coma by tapping your shoulder.

"Uhh, love?" he asked trying to contain a laugh.

"W-what?" you blinked rapidly and noticed all the rabbits flocking towards you. They all began to sit on your legs and in your lap.

Arthur burst out laughing at your shocked expression. "This is just like when those turtles crawled all over Antonio!"

You couldn't help but laugh at the memory. You sighed happily and stroked the fluffy rabbits.

-----Time Skip------

It was getting nearly sunset when you and Arthur began driving home after your day of fun.

"Thank you again Arthur! I had such a wonderful time with you today!" you said gleefully.

Arthur smiled. "I'm glad love." he said placing a quick kiss on your forehead. "I have a gift for you."

You gasped. "Aw! You didn't have to! I didn't get you anything...."

He chuckled. "The smile on your face will be all I need love."

You blushed a light pink.

Sometime later, your British boyfriend swerved into the driveway of your ranch style house.

"Alright _____, close your eyes." you nodded excitedly and closed your big (e/c) eyes.

You could hear him rustling with something in the back seat and muttered. "Bloody git!". You soon felt something small get placed in your lap. "Okay, open your eyes."

Your eyes fluttered open and you squealed. On your lap sat a small white and brown bunny. It had long floppy ears and a cute pink nose. You smiled from ear to ear and pulled Arthur into a kiss.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" you said over joyed while nuzzling against his neck with the rabbit in your arms. Arthur laughed and kissed the top your head.

"I was hoping you would like her." you brought your lips back to his which you gladly excepted. He broke the sweet kiss and gave you a peck on the lips.

"Happy Easter love."

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