Big Brother!Denmark x Little Sister!Reader Buying Smiles

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Warning if your no into this kind of stuff the don't read this one and go onto the next one.




Denmark exclaims, throwing the bed covers onto the floor, thinking that _____ was under them. He was playing 'hide-and-seek' with his darling little sister, _____, a healthy, growing, new country. The problem was, he couldn't find her anywhere. "_____! Where are you?" He calls her out, hoping for an answer, only for his question to be met by silence. He raises his eyebrow.

'This whole time I was searching inside the house..' He thought, 'She's probably in the garden.'

He opens the screen door that separates house from garden. There were plenty of large trees and bushes there. Perfect hiding spots for a tiny country. A whiff of sweet smelling air reached the blonde's nose. They were the aroma of the many flowers _____ made him plant. Sure, Denmark was the kind of a guy who could care less about everybody or anything else other than himself, but he had a soft spot for _____. He spoiled her rotten.


His cerulean eyes caught a glimpse of a part of a (f/c) dress sticking out in the pink rose bushes, and sees a tiny hand trying to hide it behind the bush.


He decides to pretend he didn't notice. "_____! Where are you?" Meanwhile, ____ sighs in relief, thinking that her brother didn't see her 'fatal' mistake. She tries to hold in her laughter, seeing her brother trying so hard to look for her. Time passes by, and _____ grew restless. Though she was trying so hard to not get seen before, she's trying to catch her brother's attention now. She shook the bush in hopes that her brother would notice. She smiles when she sees that he did.


_____ quickly hid behind the bush, snickering.

"Where is she? Oh well, better just give up."

_____'s eyes widen when she realizes her plan was backfiring on her. She leaps out of the rose bush.

"NO! *Storebror! I'm ri--"


Brother and sister stare in horror at _____'s beautiful dress. It got stuck onto a thorn and was torn. _____'s lips tremble, water welling up in her (e/c) eyes. Denmark rushes to his sister's side. A few seconds later _____ she started bawling. With no time to buy presents for her, Denmark did some quick thinking and plucked one of the daisies its patch, but only the flower, he didn't pluck the stem along with it. He pushes away a few strands of _____'s hair to the back of her ear, and places the flower in her ear. _____ sniffled, her sobbing slowly coming to a stop.

He grins at her. "You look beautiful with that flower!"

She couldn't help but blush and smile at her brother's compliment. "Hey," He began to say, "I can always buy you another dress, but I can't buy you a smile. So don't cry! Keep smiling. Okay?" He made an 'O' shape with his thumb and index fingers, the hand sign for "OK". _____ flashes a sweet smile that melts Denmark's heart. "Okay storebror!"
Sorry its so short i couldn't think of many things please forgive me reader-chan.

I love you all 😘 😁

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