Prussia x Reader

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You browse the internet, looking for a chat website. You were bored out of your wits, as it was a public holiday, and you didn't have any work to do. You took a sip of your cold and fresh orange juice as you go through the pages of websites on Google. Your eyes scanned the screen, and finally found something interesting.
'Omegle..' Your neutral lips formed into a tiny smile. 'This might be interesting..'

>> Time Skip by a Few Seconds >>

You sigh. So far, all the strangers you 'chatted' with asked for your age sex location. It disappointed you when as soon as you told them, they disconnect. This went on and on, until you met with a certain 'stranger'.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: (age), female (a/n: I'm assuming, okay? xD), (city).

Stranger: What?

You: Age sex location. There. Disconnect.

Stranger: Kesese, sorry to disappoint ya, but the awesome me doesn't want to disconnect.

You: Well, I'm actually glad to hear that ^^ And I'm assuming 'Kesese' is a laugh.

Stranger: Mein name's Gilbwrt. And it IS my awesome laugh.

You: Nice to meet you, 'Gilbwrt'
That's a very nice laugh you got, there! My name's ______.

Stranger: Nice to meet you too, and it's 'Gilbert'. The awesome me did not make a typo just now, your eyes aren't awesome enough to see that. And it really IS a good laugh, eh? Kesesese~

You: My eyes aren't awesome enough? Well, aren't you a bit smug. I'm going to go disconnect now.

Stranger: WAIT, don't!

Stranger: Look frau, I'm sorry if I offended you. It was a joke. But I think that you're interesting. I don't even know why the awesome me feels like that.

You: Look, you're sounding awfully smug. I'm disconnecting.

Stranger: WAIT!

You: ?

Stranger: Fine, disconnect. But you said you were at (city) right? I happen to live in that city too. You know the Moonray Cafe? I really want to meet you.. Please meet me there at 3 pm. I'll be waiting.
You disconnect the chat and close your browser window. You knew that cafe, you used to go there everyday. Should you meet the mysterious 'Gilbert'? Seeing as how you were free for the whole day, you thought, 'Why not?'. You glance at the clock. It was already 2.30 pm. You decided to prepare.

>> Timeskip to 3.15 pm at the Moonray Cafe >>

You fiddled with your fingers, fidgeting in your seat. The guy hasn't arrived yet. You stare at the half-empty (a/n: you pessimist!) coffee cup that was originally full when you ordered it when you arrived at the cafe 15 minutes ago. 'I'll wait a bit more. Maybe he's just running a bit late.'

15 minutes later

You've finished your cup of coffee and the guy hasn't arrived yet. You asked for the bill and paid for your drink. You got up from the table, leaving the cafe feeling disappointed and angry. You started walking back to your apartment. You were passing a dark alley when you were pulled into it by a pair of hands, one of which was covering your mouth.

"GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!" A gruff voice says. Another hand was holding a knife to your throat. You whimper and you started reaching for your purse. "Hey! Vhat are you doing to zhat frau?!" You hear a voice with a German accent yell. Then you felt something kick your assailant with a very strong force. It knocked your attacker out. You turn your body, and your eyes met with the figure of a tall, slender, and slightly muscular man. He had sleek sliver hair and blood-red eyes. 'An albino?' His skin was a pale white. His face was beautiful.

"Th-thank you for saving me.." you stutter. The man just laughed. "Kesese~ No problem. I'm going zo go on my vay now. I'm late for an appointment." 'Wait. Kesese?' He began to turn around when you grab his arm. "Uh, Gilbert? I-I'm ______!" He gasped and stared you down, from the toe up. You were slightly disturbed. "You're ______?! You're a very beautiful frau! Vhy are you here?" You blushed at the compliment and sighed at the second question. You explained how he was late and you were impatient. He laughed. "Ja, I lost mein camera. I vas looking for it everyvhere. I vanted zo bring it so I could zake a piczure of you." You blush. "Well, Gilbert. Shall we go to the cafe then?" You remind him that you were both still in the middle of an alley. He smiled. "I guess ve should." He took your arm in his. You giggle. "You're not as smug as I thought you were.."

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