America x Reader- The Dilemma

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A bead of sweat rolled down Alfred's head. He was trying to figure it out, but couldn't. Which decision was he supposed to pick? ______ had asked him to answer such a difficult question. It was impossible. Just impossible. But for the sake of his girlfriend, Alfred searched every nook and cranny in his brain, looking for an answer to the question. ______ waited patiently for an answer.

She looked at her boyfriend's cerulean eyes with her own (e/c) eyes. She gave him a pleading look that said, "Please.. Answer the question.."

Alfred shot her an apologetic glance. Then he started to open his mouth, only to close it again. He bit his lower lip. Will he regret saying it? He thinks he's found the answer, but if he was wrong? His glasses slid down. He pushed it back up on the curve of the bridge of his nose.

It slid down again.

His palms were sweaty. He was nervous, but he wanted to answer ______'s question. Trembling, he finally speaks up.

"I-I choose McDonalds.."

There was a silence before ______ squealed out of excitement. Alfred let out a relieved sigh. ______ had an elated expression on her face. She was so proud of her Alfred. He has always had a dilemma where he can't choose between Burger King or McDonalds, which causes him to buy one of everything at both stores. It didn't affect his health for some weird reason, but it heavily affected his wallet.

Thinking that she should change her loved one's habits, ______ forced Alfred to choose between the two fast-food restaurants. At least, it could cut his spendings by half. He also felt like a burden was lifted off his shoulders. He can finally pick between Burger King and McDonalds.

"I'm so happy for you, Alfred!" ______ squealed, giving Alfred a kiss on the cheek. "Heheh, I bet I'm feeling better than you do, dude!" He chuckles, giving ______ a peck on the lips. "So, you wanna go to McDonalds?" ______ cheerily asks. "Sure!" He smiles, as he got into the driver's seat of his car, with ______ on the passenger seat. He starts the car, and started to drive to McDonalds.

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