Trying Not To Swear - Romano x Reader

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Warning Swearing just because's He's Romano and you know he swears a lot 

"That fucking tomato bastard!" shouted your boyfriend Lovino slamming the door to your house.

You and the Italian have been dating for the past few years now and things have been going great! The only problem, his swearing was getting hard to handle. It was always "The tomato bastard" this, or "that fucking ass hole" that. It was getting a little tiresome.

You sighed as the he stalked into the kitchen and planted a kiss on your cheek. "So, how was your day?" you asked casually. Lovino sneered.

"That stupid tomato bastard never shuts up! Him and the potato bastard! They have to learn how to mind their own fucking business!" he rambled. You smiled sadly and commented.

"Do you have to swear after every sentence?" Lovino looked at you as if you just sneezed out a butterfly.

"Of course ragazza! It adds emphasis!" he argued.

You rolled your (e/c) eyes. "Does it now?"

He nodded. "I will say the sentence again without swearing. 'That tomato is never quiet! Him and the potato! They have to learn to keep to themselves!' is that better?!"

You tried to stifle a giggle. "Yes." he glared at you. A great idea struck you. "Hey Lovi,"

"Don't fucking call me that."

"How about a little wager." his ears perked up a little.

"Go on ragazza."

You looked at him and smirked evilly. "If you don't swear for the rest of the day, which is," you looked at the clock which read 12:00pm. "12 hours, I will supply you with all your tomato's for a month." Lovino's eyes widened. He did eat a lot of tomato's.

He smirked. "Okay, and if you win?"

You grinned. "We'll see. Let's shake on it." you held out your smooth hand. He smirked and took it, shaking it gruffly.

"You're on ragzza!" he grinned triumphantly.

"Oh yea, Antonio is joining us for dinner tonight at 5:00!" you smiled seeing the glare on your boyfriends face.

"You ba-!" he stopped himself as your smirk grew. "I hate you." he growled walking to his room.

This was going to be harder than he thought.

-------Time Skip------

Lovino has been doing pretty okay today. It seemed that whenever he had the urge to cuss, he would bite his tongue and leave the room. Sadly, this happened often.

-----Flash Back----

"Lovino," you said looking up from (insert fav books name).

"Hm?" he said lazily looking up at you from the sofa.

"That rabbits back in the garden again." you said casually. Lovino shot up and ran outside into his precious tomato garden. Sure enough, the little white haired fiend was trolling in his garden.

"HEY YOU FU-" he stopped himself and bite down on his tongue. He quickly shooed the fluffy creature away and stormed back in the house.

You silently giggled to yourself and continued reading.

----End Of Flashback-----

You spent the day doing various things to easily piss off the Italian. For example, talking about the history of potato's and Germany, saying you hate tomato's and swearing when he couldn't.

It was now 5:00 and Antonio would be coming in mere minutes.

Just as you finished stirring the fresh tomato sauce over the noodles, the door bell rang. You strolled over to the door, calling Lovino down in the process.

"Hola chica!" cheered the happy Spaniard. Antonio handed you a bundle of churro's and planted a double kiss to your cheeks, causing you to blush. "So, how is my favourite couple?" he asked happily.

You grinned and told him about the bet you and Lovino made. Antonio smirked and nodded. "How's he doing so far?"

"Pretty good, but I'll get him to crack soon enough." Just then, Lovino came down stairs. Dressed in a wine red dress shirt and black jeans, he looked stunning. Antonio ran over to him and tackle hugged the poor Italian.

"Get off me you tomato ba-!" he glanced at you while you smirked devilishly. Antonio's grin matched yours as he snuggled him more.

"I know about your little bet Lovi." he cooed. Lovino glared at you and you shrugged.

"Just to make sure you wouldn't swear when I wasn't in the room." you say chuckling. Lovino groaned and pushed Toni off him with an audible thud.

----Time Skip-------

Lovino still didn't crack. Even at dinner when Antonio was brining up Lovino's childhood memories.

"Oh! And there was that one time Lovi got lost in one of my tomato fields and I found him five minutes later. He was crying! It was so cute!" Antonio squealed. You laughed and watched the embarrassed blush spread across his face. Lovino ground his teeth and bite into a tomato.

You casually twirled your spaghetti on your fork as you watched Antonio poke Lovino's cheek. When you caught the murderous glare in Lovino's eyes, you could tell he was just about done. You signed and took a small sip of your red wine.

---Time Skip-----

It was now 11:55pm and Lovino still hasn't sworn! You were in a bit of a panic now, worried about your pay check being spent on Lovino's tomato's.

You and Lovino watched the clock as it struck midnight. He grinned for a second until it turned into a scowl.

"FUCKING HELL RAGAZZA! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TRICKED ME WITH THAT FUCKING TOMATO BASTARD COMING! AND PUTTING PTATOS IN MY LUNCH AND TELLING ME HOW YOU WANT TO GO TO GERMANY! THEN-" you silenced him by placing your lips gently over his. He was stiff for a few seconds but soon deepened the kiss.

When you both finally parted. He flashed you a rare smile and hugged you close. "You know, even after making me suffer, I still love you so," Lovino kissed your forehead and got down on one knee. He pulled a red velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. The red shimmering stone was bright red like the tomato's Lovino loves so much. "________ ________, will you do the honour of putting up with my swearing for the rest of your life?" You were on the brink of tears and you launched yourself into his embrace.

"Hell yeah!"

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