Canada x Reader- Mint

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This is for u

I squirmed in my seat. I was sitting on a chair with a velvet cushion. I looked around the room. There was a chandelier above the long mahogany meeting table. 'What a fancy place..' I looked around the room. 'So many different people gathered in one room just for a conference! This World Conference thing IS really big, huh?' I peer at the young man sitting in front of me. He wore glasses and had fairly long blonde hair. There was a curly sprout on the top of his head, similar to Alfred's cowlick, but his sprout was drooping down. And, he was holding onto a white teddy bear. Nobody looked at him or talked to him. They acted as if he didn't exist.

I averted my gaze from his face onto his white teddy. I could've sworn that it was glaring at me. I nearly jumped out of my seat when it suddenly spoke. "Who are you? And why are you staring at me?"

"I-I-I'm sorry.."

"Hmm? Kumagorou, who are you talking to?"
The blond suddenly asks. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Then a surprised expression crash landed on his face. He even paled. He looked like he just saw a ghost. "Y-you.. Saw me smile? You saw ME?" I shrugged at him. "Well, duh. I mean, you ARE there, right? You're not a ghost or anything. Are you?" I suspiciously stare at him. He noticed how he creeped me out a bit, and he gave me an apologetic glance.

"I'm sorry.. It's just that nobody actually knows I'm here!.. I'm used to it, though!" He chuckles with a sad tone in his voice. I frowned. He's so sweet.. How can nobody notice him? He lightened up a bit before asking me what country I represent. "M-me?? Oh, um, I represent the new country,__(your name)__!" I smiled sweetly at him. All of a sudden, he looked away. I thought I saw him blush, but then again, my eyes aren't exactly what you call sharp.

My eyes suddenly landed on Kumagorou. He was still looking at me. "Um, you're Kumagorou, right?" His face was blank. "No, it's actually Kumajirou." There was a moment of awkward silence before the guy in front of me introduced himself. "I-I'm Canada," He says timidly, "nice to meet you." He holds his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. I reached for his hand and shook it. "Thank you for being able to see that I exist." He says.

--End of Flashback--

"______!! Here's your ice-cream!!"
Canada's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I was recalling how I met my lovely boyfriend. We grew close together after meeting each other. A few months later, he asked me out. Of course, I agreed. I mean, I did love him, after all. Now, we're on a date, celebrating our one-year anniversary. He bought me a mint ice cream and a vanilla one for himself.

We walked and talk together while eating our cones, and all of a sudden, he asks, "Can I have a taste of your ice cream??"
I giggled and held the cone out to him, but he just grabbed my waist and pulled me closer towards him. Then, he planted his lips on mine. He tasted like vanilla! It was very sweet. Then he leaned back a bit, breaking the kiss. "What was the kiss for?" I laugh. He smiled sweet and innocently. "I was getting a taste of mint flavored ice cream! It's delicious!" He licked his lips. "Can I have more?"

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