Prussia x Reader-My Sketchbook

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"C'mon frau! Let zhe awesome me see!" Your albino friend begged.

"I said no Gilbert!" you snapped. You, like many other people, are VERY protective over your sketchbook.

"Vhat are you hiding in zhere?!" he tried to grab the book from your lap from where you sat on the couch. But much to his dismay, you moved and he face planted over the piece of furniture. "Jeez frau! So harsh!" he said in mock hurt. You merely rolled your (e/c) eyes and walked into the kitchen.

Ever since you two met in the third grade, you always carried around a sketchbook. And always, you would never let him see. He would bribe you, flirt with you, he even made the rest of the BTT plan an elaborate heist to even steal a glance at one of those ivory pages.

Once Gilbert collected himself, he followed you into the kitchen. You were sitting on the marble counter. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair framing your face perfectly as the light for a nearby window shone against your skin.

Gilbert has had a crush on you for quite some time now. About 10 years to be exact. But he never knew if you felt the same. He was worried that he would be doomed to the friend-zone forever!

You lifted your intense gaze from your drawing to the Prussian standing in front of you. He was pouting like a 4 year old who just got his toy taken away. You smiled at him and closed your sketch book. You never let Gilbert see your sketch book for reasons. The sketchbook was where you would draw and express yourself. And sometimes, when you expressed yourself, Gilbert was involved. You really liked the cocky albino. Even if you did want to throw a brick at him sometimes. He was always there for you and you loved him for that.

"Can you at least tell me what you are drawing?" Gilbert asked coming closer to you, a devious smile mushrooming across his features. Your heart beat a little faster. You knew that look. And when you saw it, it was a signal to GTFO! But, being the tease that you were, you decided to goof around.

"Hmm, nope! I don't think you are awesome enough to see it." you were actually drawing a picture of you, him and his little pet bird Gilbird.

The smirk on Gilberts face grew as he practically pounced on you. Luckily, you moved out f the way in time to dodge his feeble attack. You tsked at him and grinned.

"Catch me if you can!" you sing songed running out of the kitchen.

Gilbert was fast to retaliate and jumped up after you. You two ran into the large living room. You chucked pillows from the sofa at him, which he dodged with ease. Except for the last one, which got him in the face.

You raced up the stairs and rested for a minute at the top of the stairs. You clutched onto your sketchbook tightly as you laughed. This was too much fun!

Gilbert soon made it to the stairs and raced up catching you off guard. You stood quickly and started running, but the Prussian grabbed your ankle and pulled you down to him. You yelped as you landed in his arms.

"Let me see frau!" he whined. No way you were giving in this easy!

"Gilbird! Attack!" you shouted to Gilberts little bridy friend. With a loud 'Piyo~!' Gilbird swooped down and fluttered in front of Gilberts face.

"Gah! Gilbird you traitor!" he cried as you escaped his grasp. Once Gilbert recovered, you was after you again.

You were in a dead run down the hallway as the Prussian tackled you, grabbed the book and started running.

"Nooooo!" you cried as you bolted after him, hitting him in a side tackle. You two rolled around on the carpeted floor of the hallway until Gilbert decide to stop fooling around. He pinned both your arms above your head with one of his and grabbed the sketchbook. "No! Gil!" you squirmed under him. He rested the sketchbook on your chest and begun to flip through it. The shades of red that covered your face put Antonio's tomato's to shame.

Gilbert casually flipped through the book. His eyes widened at your artistic talent. He never knew how good you were. All of the colors you used exploded on the page and blended well. They were breath taking. As he flipped, he saw a picture of you and him and Gilbird. You two were hugging and laughing. Gilbert smiled.

You sighed in defeat as he closed the book. But that wasn't the only thing he closed. His lips crashed onto yours. You froze for a few seconds but soon melted into the kiss. His hands wound around you in a tight embrace and your arms traveled around his neck.

You two finally broke apart due to the lack of air. He rested his forehead against yours and smiled.
"Ich liebe dich my little artist."

You chuckled softly and brought him back down for another kiss "I love you too Gilbert."

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