Nurse?France x Sick!Reader- Murse??

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Ugh. This is the umpteenth time I sneezed today. It's also the worst one so far, leaving a dangling string of snot behind.

God, this was disgusting.

I grabbed some tissues and I blowed my nose in it, and threw it into the trash bin which was already full and totally filled with other balls of soggy tissue.

"Can this day get any worssseee?!" I shrieked out of frustration. Then the doorbell rang. "I guess it can.." I grumbled as I headed towards the door. "Who is it?!" I ask with a stuffy voice. "Mon amour? Are you okay? You sound a bit weird." A french voice replied. Oh my gosh. It was my co-worker and crush, Francis.

"What are you doing here?!" I replied, not answering his question. "Well," he began, "when you didn't come to work today, I was worried. So I asked the boss if I could check up on you. He said, 'Go ahead'."

I facepalmed. Why does my boss have to be so nice?
I unlocked the door and let Francis in. As soon as he stepped inside, he asked me, "Can I use your bathroom?" I blush, hoping he'd think it was because of the fever I was having.
"Thanks!!" Was all he said before he rushed to do his 'business'. 'How did he know where my bathroom was..? Whatever.' I plopped down on my couch, lying down on it and closed my eyes. It was relaxing, so I just stayed in said position for a few minutes or so, before Francis came back.

"What is it Francis?" I ask, still closing my eyes. I hear footsteps and felt a cold hand place itself on my burning forehead. God, it felt good.
"Mon dieu, you're burning.."
"..What? You know Francis, if you stay near me too much, you'll catch my fev.." I rub my eyes open while trying to sit up. My voice trailed off when I saw Francis wearing a nurse outfit.


"Yes, mon amour?"

"What are you wearing?"

"Oh, this?" He twirled around, showing the outfit off. "I'm your 'murse', ______!"


"You know, male and nurse; 'murse!"
He chuckled and grabbed some pills from my coffee table.
"And it's time for your medicine!"

I sighed. How did I come to like this guy?

"Fine, fine. Just get this over with. Then change back to your normal clothes." I sighed and opened the palm of my right hand, waiting for the pill to land on it. It never did. Instead, I saw Francis pop the pill in HIS mouth. "Wha? Francis what are you--" I got cut off when he placed his lips on mine. He used his tongue to transfer the pill into my mouth and he kept his lips on me until I swallowed the pill. He finally pulled away, and saw my blood red face. "There. I told you, I'm your 'murse', and it was time for your medicine." Laughing, he says, "I'm gonna change back, okay?" as he got up from the couch and grabbed his clothes. As he was beginning to walk away, I tugged the skirt of his nurse outfit.

"Y-you know what? Wear the outfit. Just wear it. Be my 'murse'."

He smiled gently, and chuckled.

"Anything for you."

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