2p! Hetalia x Immortal! Insane! Reader - RQ p2

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The road I walk is paved in gold,
To glorify my platinum soul.
I'll buy my way to talk to god
So he can live with what I'm not

After nearly destroying those psychos, you wandered down the streets of your city. Yes, your city. You see, after the war that broke out between you and the allies and axis, the entire city went up in flames. You chuckled to yourself. You inhaled deeply and breathed a sigh.

The selfish blood runs through my veins
I gave up everything for fame
I am the lie that you adore
I feed the rich, and fuck the poor

You watched as the women and children fled from collapsing buildings. Men see you and run in fear.
Yes, this was really the life. You watched as the rich crumbled to their knees at your presents and the poor line up to serve you. Yes, it was the perfect heaven, for a God such as yourself.

I got, you want.
It's just don't stop.
This is entertainment.
Lies are entertainment.
You are down on your knees,
begging me for more.
The Allies and Axis were at you again. You yawned, easily defeating them. When would they learn?

-------FLASH BACK--------

Matt and AL tag teamed an attempted to kick you. You simply dodged but ran into Oliver whom had a knife waiting for you. It sunk into your skin, causing you to laugh.

They all stepped back and watched in pure horror and you took the knife out of your bleeding form with a giggle. "That tickled Ollie!" your wound healed within seconds.

Yang jumped towards you, just missing you with the needle embedded in the toe of his shoe. You smirked and threw his face into the ground, making blood spray all over your clothing.

You looked up with a sadistic smile. Al and Matt came back around you and you used Oliver's knife to slit open their chests.

Adamo came around as you whipped the knife into his torso, successfully ripping through it. "My, my, aren't you all a persistent bunch."

The road I walk is paved in gold,
To glorify my platinum soul.
I am the closest thing to God,
So worship me and never stop.

The wretched blood runs through my veins
I gave up everything for fame
I am lie that you adore
Now feed the rich, and fuck the poor.

------END OF TIME SKIP------

Oh how you longed to just end their life's. Which could easily be done. But something about these men, should you say, entertained you. Yes, that's a good word.


The act of bringing pleasure or amusement to another.

Yes, entertainment is a good word.

They distracted you, and amused you in every possible way.

What would you do without these men? You would snap!

You laughed loudly to yourself. You snapped a long time ago!

Dear future, I bought you.
I own the right to let go,
Destroy you. This is my life.
(and I...)

The last building's that stood were now reduced to rubble. You smiled.

"What a beautiful site! Isn't it gentlemen?"

Emerging from the showed appeared many sets of eyes. Some purple, many red, and one swirling.

"We end this here _______!" shouts Al as he readies himself for battle.

You laugh. "Oh silly boy!" he lunges at you. You dodge his attack and send him into a brick wall.

Matt came back and swung his hockey stick at your head. You caught the object and crushed it. His violet eyes widened and he came back at you.

"Don't you know?" you taunted.

Oliver, Adamo, Lutz, and Kuro all came and jumped on you. You felt multiple knives pierce your (s/c) skin. You growled low in your throat like a predator. You stood, causing the men to get slammed into the brick wall around you.

You stared at them with animalistic eyes. When hunting one's prey, one must move swiftly to get the kill. You stalked towards them with a sadistic grin as they stood and grouped together.

"This is only the beginning gents!" you laughed. "We can carry this little game on forever!" you glared at the snarling men in front of you. "And you'll always come back for more."

They all growled and came at you. Causing you to smirk.

Now, let the real games begin!

I got, you want.
It's just don't stop.
This is entertainment.
Lies are entertainment.
You are down on your knees,
begging me for more.

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