Prussia x Demon! Reader - O Death

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~Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,
Won't you spare me over til another year~


One foot in front of the other.

It's right behind him.

He must flee quickly.

It won't stop chasing him.

Until it had what it wants.

~But what is this, that I can't see
with ice cold hands taking hold of me~

The albino man ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Though, he could never get tired. He lacked any physical strain in his legs. Yet he was running. Darkness surrounding him. Voices of death calling out to him.

"Come play with us! Come play with us!"

"Take my hand!" one voice screamed.

"No! Take mine!" another shouted.

He couldn't handle it.

"Shut the fuck up!" he shouted, his red eyes widening with anger. The voices turned into whispers.

The whispers turned raspy, and slowly withered away into a screech.

The man covered his ears, shut his crimson eyes and screamed in pain. When the screams finally stopped, the Prussian man felt a pair of ice cold hands on his. He opened his eyes to see a beautiful face of a woman. Her (e/c) eyes were bright against her darkened features. Long wisps of (h/c) hair were gently laid across her, long black cloak.

~When God is gone and the Devil takes hold,
who will have mercy on your soul

Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,~
He was stunned with fear. What was this creature before him? Why was it after him? What did it want?

"What do you want from me?!" he screamed in the demons smiling face. Her smile never faded as she moved closer to him.

"Do you want money?! Land?! Take all my wealth if you want! Just leave me alone!" he shouted cowering in fear.

She moved closer, light laughter escaping her ruby lips. She corned him, came up close to his ear. A violent shiver ran down his spine as she sung so quietly in his ear it scarred him.

"No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul"

He gasped as he felt a jab through his chest. He cried out in pain as he watched and felt the creatures hand move about in side of his upper torso.

The demon merely laughed.

~Oh, Death,
Well I am Death, none can excel,
I'll open the door to heaven or hell.~

With a jolt of searing pain, the demons hand left him, and in her hand was a small blue orb. It glowed with such radiance the albino used what little strength he had to shield his red eyes.

The demon flicked her wrist and the light disappeared. The Prussian felt strangely empty. He looked down at his chest and realized the demon left a large black hole inside him. The hole was empty, as it was where his soul once resided. He belted out a blood curdling scream as the pain of the loss finally exploded. The albino dropped to his knees and landed on the ground with an audible thud.

And yet, the demon on chuckled as she disappeared into thin air.

Gilbert let out a cry of fear as he jolted awake. Darkness still engulfed the room. But it was merely evening.

The body beside him stirred and groaned. "What's wrong Gil?" a small female voice asked, her words were laced with exhaustion.

"N-nothing _______." he said slowly. The young female shifted herself on the mattress so she was looking up at him.

"Was it another nightmare?" her (e/c) eyes showed a gleam of sadness.

Gilbert sighed. "Ja."

The (h/c) girl sighed and sat up. She placed a cool hand on his pale cheek and had him face her with tired eyes meeting his fear stricken ones.
"Everything is okay now. It can't hurt you." she placed a gentle kiss upon his forehead and laid back down, cuddling up next to him. "I love you Gil."

"I love you too ______." Gilbert muttered, finally beginning to relax. He wouldn't let his dream get the best of him. There was no way his _______ was a demon.

________ sighed sadly to herself after listening to his thoughts 'If he only knew'.

~Oh, Death, оh Death,
my name is Death and the end is here...~

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