Austria x Angel!Reader Witch

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Long ago, in the square of the small kingdom of XXXX, stood a young woman, trying to get her bonnet off her head. She finally succeeded, and her (h/c) hair dropped out of the confined space of the headwear. Unfortunately, a wild breeze blew by as soon as she took her bonnet off, causing it to be blown by the wind.

"A-ah!" She tried to get it back, doing her best to jump with her petite body.

"Excuse me." A rather large hand swiftly gripped the bonnet. The peasant girl shifted her eyes from her dirty bonnet to a very classy looking, tall, and handsome young man wearing glasses. It was the humble Prince Roderich, who was taking a stroll around the neighborhood.

"Young lady, is this yours?"

"O-oh my.. Th-thank you Prince!" The girl deeply bowed, closing her (e/c) orbs. The prince smiled. In his deep voice, he complimented the girl's good looks. She blushes and swooned. "If you wouldn't mind, may I ask what your name is, young miss?" The girl smiled. "My name is ______ ________. I'm one of the orphans in this kingdom, Prince."

"Do drop the formalities. You know, you have a beautiful voice!"

"W-why thank you!"

The prince and the pauper continued to chat away happily. They continued to meet each other, day after day at the square. Rumors tell that the two of them were in love. Unbeknowst to the couple, the priestess of the church, a woman named Elizaveta, was watching their regular visits. A growing jealousy pierced her heart, bleaching it black. She came up with a wonderful plan to destroy the romance between ______ and her beloved Austria.

The next day, as soon as ______ walked out of her tiny cottage, she was apprehended by the believers of the village. "Wha? What's wrong? What did I do?" She tried to struggle out of the two large men's arms, but failed. She was brought into the square where she met her prince. He was there too. As soon as the men let her go, she ran to Prince Roderich, who had a pained look on his face. "Wh-what's happening Roderich?" She tried to carress her prince, only for him to brush her away.

"Don't touch me, witch."

Poor ______ froze in her steps. 'Witch? Witch? Witch??' Her thoughts rang out in her mind. Elizaveta, was just smirking as she watched her marvelous plan prevail. Suddenly, her long (h/c) hair was gripped by a villager, and she felt a dagger slash through the beautiful, thick hair, making the style choppy and short. The clumps of hair was left on the ground as the peasants all set up a cross, and tied ______ onto it. Her face was screaming confusion the same way the whole kingdom was screaming "REPENT! REPENT! REPENT!" over and over. The prince'd been crying ever since he brushed his loved one's hand away.

This was all Elizaveta's plan. To frame ______ as a witch, and rip her away from Roderich's life.

Seeing as how ______ refused to repent, the villagers turned to methods of torture. God knows how painful the experience must've been for ______, who was tied to a cross all the while this was happening.

After about a week of torture, ______ couldn't handle anymore. In her last moments, she only managed to whisper, "Why me?" before she hung her head. The prince started maniacally screaming, out of regret and pain. White light suddenly flashed over town. Backed by Roderich's shrieks, it brightened more and more, before fading away slowly.

The light cleared up, and all over the kingdom, bloodstained white feathers were floating down from the vast blue sky. That was when the people of kingdom XXXX all realized they'd just crucified an angel.

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