England x Reader- Love and Ramen

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You squeak. "What is it, ______?" He replied, smiling proudly. "A-a-are you sure that you cook instant ramen like THAT?" You softly ask, pointing at the stiff noodles that England was grating. He laughs at you.

"Oh, ______, as a new country, you wouldn't know anything about cooking. I mean, this is a masterpiece! Which is why, you should just trust me." (Master piece my ass England)

He flashed a toothy grin at you. You roll your eyes. Yes, he's a gentleman, a wonderful one at that, but he knew absolutely NOTHING about cooking. Yes, he cooks scones and fish and chips, but that was about all he could make.

The other day, after your first World Conference, you were delighted, having made a lot of strong and powerful allies. One of them being England. As you were about to catch a cab, England invited you to go to his house tomorrow, and cook with him. You thought he might be a wonderful cook, but little did you know that he'd prove you wrong.

So, that was the reason you are in your situation now.

Back to the present, England finally finishes grating the ramen noodles. You were clueless on how to cook, so instead of arguing with him, you just followed his every instruction. He gives you a carrot and asks you to slice it, as he gives you an example on how to do it. After he finishes explaining, he chuckles. "I'll leave you to it, love!" You smile. At least, he's a WONDERFUL gentleman.

You began slicing the vegetable very slowly, determined to make it perfect. To prove to yourself, that you actually CAN cook. However, after about five slices, your finger slipped, and you accidentally cut the tip of your ring finger. You winced in pain, but it wasn't anything serious though. England seemed to have noticed you wincing, and rushed over to your side with a worried expression.

"Is something wrong, love?"
"Ah.. Don't worry England, it isn't anything serious!" You laugh, showing him the cut on your finger. He put his index finger and thumb around it, and he started sucking on the cut. Your face turned into a whole new shade of pink and red as he continued the sucking. Still holding your ring finger between his thumb and index finger, he grabs a band-aid and wraps it around your injured finger. "Be careful next time." He laughs as he walks away to continued to pour orange juice on the grated ramen bits.

All you could do was watch him and blush madly.

"W-w-why would you go as far as to do th-th-that, England?"

"Do what, love?"

"You know, THAT."

"You mean just now?" He snickers. He cups his hands on your cheeks and leans forward, reducing the distance between his and your face.
"Well, that's because you're important to me."

--- Extended Ending

You stare blankly at the ramen England prepared for you. The noodles were almost like fine powder, but they were chunky. Not to mention crunchy, since it wasn't boiled in the first place. Then, it was swimming in orange juice. There was whipped cream in the center of the dish. And on the whipped cream were the seasonings for the ramen. You shuddered. Honestly, it looked disgusting. You looked over at England who was eating the ramen to his heart's contents. "Fhish ish weally good! Fwy it, ______!" He says, with his mouth full. Really not gentleman-like. You smile at him. "Thanks, but no thanks, Iggy.." You push your bowl slightly forward, away from you. "Thanks, but no thanks.."

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