Romano x Reader-Purple Butterfly

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Warning: LANGUAGE...
Well, it's Romano. What do you expect?

Her (h/l)(h/c) hair was blowing in the wind. They look like beautiful strands of shiny silk. And that dress.. It was white, with black lace embroidered on the rims of the short sleeves. The grass danced along with the wind. Her (e/c) orbs were twinkling. She's smiling.. Oh God, she is so beautif--


I mentally slapped myself. ______ was the only girl kind enough to want to be my friend. ROMANO, the tsundere extraordinaire. Why the fuck would I want to ruin this amazing friendship for some cheesy love-relationship?! N-not that I want one. Do I..?

"..Romano!" I shook my head, interrupting my thoughts. "What?!" I responded quite gruffly. ______ pouted. "I called your name over and over, and you wouldn't snap out of whatever you're thinking about!" Then I blushed like Spain Bastard's tomatoes.

That's because I was thinking about you.

She sighed. Then she grinned and locked her eyes with mine. "Well, I can forgive you this time. Anyway, how do you like this place?"

We were on a hill. I was sitting under a gigantic tree shade. ______ preferred being out in the sun. Hearing her question, I examined the landscape. I saw butterflies all over the place, and flowers on the green patches of grass. Then I saw ______ flawlessly smiling at me.

"Er, it's beautiful, I-I guess.." I turn away from her gaze, trying to hide my growing blush. She just laughed and danced around the place, spinning around, and picked flowers to throw at me. Of course, I retaliated by picking some of the many flowers and threw them in her face.

"Oh, it's on!" She laughed.

So, an hour of flower throwing and laughing passed, and we were both exhausted. We fell on the grass. She was on my left side. She sat up and laughed. "Good game." She panted, smiling at me. "Whatever." I wheeze, trying to sit up too.

All of a sudden, she had this look on her face that shouted surprise. "Wh-what?!" I scream. She put her index finger on my lips. "B-butterfly.. Your right shoulder!" She whispered. Blushing, I check my shoulder. Sure enough, there was a purple butterfly on my shoulder. I gasp. It was very beautiful. The wings reflected the light like glass. It shone like diamonds.

"It's beautiful isn't it, Romano?" She excitedly says softly. I let out a sigh and hugged her. The sudden movement scared the butterfly away. "Romano!! What are you doing!! You scared the butterfly away.. And it was so pretty.." She struggled, trying to get away from my grip. "It isn't as beautiful as you." I said calmly. She stopped struggling, and I saw a pink color dust her pale cheeks.

I blush and kiss her. She tried to break the kiss a bit at first, but she eventually started to kiss back.

We both pull away after about two minutes of lip-locking, gasping for air. I leaned, placing my forehead on hers. "I love you, ______." She smiled, leaning forward a tad bit. Making not only our foreheads, but our noses touch. "I love you too, Romano." I just laugh. "I fucking bet I love you more!"

She smiled. "Way to ruin the moment, Romano!"

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