Russia x Reader for Dieing-Life

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"Big brother?"
You watched as your brother, Eduard, ran from room to room trying to appease Mr. Braginsky. You frowned as he waved you off while he cleaned an already clean room.
"Big brother. Please let me help."
He shook his head silently as he moved dusted a dustless coffee table.
"I told you, if you do anything wrong I don't want you under Ivan's wrath."
Your frown deepened.
"I'm not afraid of that tall, sadistic, cruel, childish, annoying-"
"Uhhhh..._-____?" Your brother stammered.
You didn't stop,"Not to mention just plain mean person! Who does he think he is?! All he is, is a big bully! And another thing-"
You didn't notice your brother's frantic hand motions trying to shut you up.
"_____, you speak alot, da~"
You froze and saw Eduard's face drain of all color. You turned slowly to see the childish smile on the person you had just been bashing not even five seconds ago.
You gulped.
"Come with me~ We can talk, da~" Ivan said with forced cheer.
You looked at your brother with large frightened eyes. He looked like he was about to break.
You felt a hand grab your arm roughly and drag you to who-knows-where. You were shaking slightly and your lip was quivering. You had never been punished before so you didn't know what to expect.
You were thrown into a study. You looked around confused. Why did he bring you here?
"Sit," His voice held a hidden emotion but you couldn't tell what it was.
You sat in a seat in front of the desk as he sat behind it. He looked you in the eyes and you were locked in his hypnotic purple stare.
"I'm cruel? Sadistic? Annoying? Childish? Mean? A bully?" He counted the names you had called him with his gloved fingers," Is that truly what you think of me?"
You stayed silent and he just stared at you patiently. The tension was thick and there was a chill in the air. After a long silence, you saw him becoming impatient. So before he would do something to hurt you, you told the truth.
There was a stillness that was frightening and cryptic. Then his head fell into his hands. You didn't know what to do. Were you dismissed? You sighed inaudibly and stared down at your hands in your lap.
You looked up and saw what looked like anguish on his face. Your eyes widened as instinctively ran to his side. He stared as you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your face into his shoulder, just like you would do when your brother had a bad day.
"Don't cry," You muttered.
You stood there just hugging him for what felt like forever when he finally held you back. You were pulled into his lap and he placed his chin on your head. You didn't understand what was going on you just knew you felt at peace in his arms. Which was kind of ironic since he had made you and your brother's lives a living hell.
"Прости меня. Я люблю вас, моих маленьких SIP ...(1)"
You looked at him with wide eyes. Did he...?
A small smile spread on your face as you said,"Я думаю ... Я только что могут любим Вас тоже ...(2)"
A genuine smile graced his face as he kissed your cheek and pulled you back into his embrace.


Прости меня. Я люблю вас, моих маленьких means Forgive me. I love you, my little

Я думаю ... Я только что могут любим Вас тоже means I think ... I just can love you , too

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