Liechtenstein x Fem!Reader

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Your face was covered in dirt and mud. You weakly go up a steep hill, and saw a lavish house a few meters away from you. The windows were mostly covered by curtains, but there was one that wasn't. You ran up to it. You felt the heat of the warm light radiate from the wimdow, providing a bit of warmth to your cold body. Your family abandoned you a week ago, and you've been starving ever since. Your body slowly slid down as you lean, your (e/c) softly glimmering. Now lying down on ground, your eyes started to flutter close. You heard a door open, and heard a figure run up to you. The last thing you saw and heard before blacking out was a boy about your age with blonde hair and emerald eyes yell something like "Bruder, help her!"

The next day, you woke up in a warm room. The boy you saw last night sat next to you with another taller boy sitting next to him. They had identical blonde hair and green eyes. The younger one warmly introduced himself as Noah. The older one plainly introduced himself as Vash. You introduce yourself too. The two boys said that they were taking you in.

Vash simply walked out of the room after he says he's happy to see you were okay, but Noah just sat next to you, smiling. He started up a small conversation between the two of you. You were shocked to hear how he was also picked up on the street. He told you more about Vash, and you told him about yourself. Your old family, how your life was like, all those kinds of things.

"When's your birthday, ______?" You flinched at the question. You knew when your birthday was, but it was painful to remember. "I don't wanna talk about it, Noah. Sorry." You frown. He looked at you with concern. You smile again, trying not to worry him. "Well, I do have a birthday, but I wish I can have a new one." There was a silence for a few seconds as you hung your head.

Noah lifted your chin up and smiled sweetly at you, causing you to blush. "We can share my birthday, if you want." Your (e/c) eyes flashed a surprised glance at him. "I-is it really okay?" He laughs. "Of course! My birthday is on July 12. But if you want, it can be OUR birthday." Happy tears welled up in your eyes. You wrap your arms around Noah's neck and snuggled into his shoulder, forgetting you were a guest. "Thank you, so much!"

"You're welcome.. Besides, t-this way we can celebrate a happy special moment together, r-right?" You felt heat radiating from his cheeks. You smile. "Right."
~ End of Flashback

You smile as you and Noah blew all of the candles on the big chocolate cake sitting on the middle of the table. Vash cheered, and snapped the moment on his camera. He smiled, much to your surprise, and ran up to his room, leaving you and Noah in the room. It's been six months since you came to the Zwingli household, and you've been close to the brothers ever since. You loved Vash as an older brother, but it was different with Noah. You loved him as a man.

With the two of you sitting in the room alone, you decided you'd better confess to him. You open your lips to speak, only for them to be crashed onto by Noah's own soft lips.

After about half a minute, Noah broke the soft and sweet kiss, much to your dismay. "I-Ich liebe dich, ______! I have ever since I first saw you!" He says out of breath, his face putting Spain's tomatos to shame. Your cheeks were dusted by pink as you kiss his nose. "Ich liebe dich auch, Noah."

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