Germany x Reader

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"After being "refugees" from the hA1 and hA2 councils for months, you and Ludwig were interacting a lot. He was in love with you, and wanted to teach you how to have emotions. Months pass, and you have mastered all emotions except sadness now. You were always happy with Ludwig, so you never really felt any sadness. Ludwig showed you an old movie, Titanic, hoping you'd cry or feel at least sad. It didn't work. More months pass and as you gradually start understanding the concept of sadness, the robot councils caught up to you and Ludwig. They were going to deactivate you, but Ludwig defended you. He said that he forced you to stay with him, which wasn't true. Knowing your place, you just kept quiet, trying to keep a straight face. Truth was, you were scared. The robot councils then shot a surge blast gun at Ludwig's heart, deactivating him immediately in the process, and leaving without a word. You stare at Ludwig's open, dead eyes. They were like your old ones. The ones you had when you didn't know what emotions were. You saw something wet drop on his face. And another drop. And another. Another.

"Crying.. Am I crying?!" You quickly held your hands to your cheeks. They were wet. Keeping a hand on your damp cheek, you carress Ludwig's cold cheek. You smile sadly, the tears soaking the hand on your cheek. "Thank you for teaching me all of these feelings. Especially sadness." Your lips trembled and you bit down on your lower one. Tears were now rapidly rushing down your face. "I love you Ludwig." Was all you could sputter out before you dropped dead to the ground, your eyes still dead open. Your heart had stopped surging. The feelings you gained weighed down on your system, causing it to overwork and.. Die. Tears were still falling down your eyes. It was to keep flowing to no end. But you were still smiling. You kept smiling. Just kept smiling like an angel until the end of time."

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