Chapter 1

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There was pounding at my door. I couldn't ignore it because of how loud it was, no matter how hard I tried.

"Damnit..." I mutter, getting up from bed and wrapping my comforter around my body.

I knew I was a mess. There was messy brown hair everywhere, smeared makeup, and I wasn't even wearing pants. Whoever woke me up from my sleep better have a good reason for waking me up this damn early.

I opened the door and my annoyance faded away.


He chuckled. "Sorry, I can see that I woke you up,"

"Yeah, you did," I replied and invited him inside. 

He took a seat on my couch and I rushed back to my room to get pants on. Once I was done with that, I sat on the chair across the couch and started tying my hair up.

"So, what's up? Did Dad call me in for a mission?" I asked.

"No," He shook his head. "I actually came by to ask you a question,"

"What is it?"

"Well, remember how I told you that I would become a sensei for a group of genin?" He started. "I'm meeting them today and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to meet them,"

I thought about it.

"You're my sister and I wouldn't want you to be a stranger to them since you'll probably end up meeting them anyway," He added.

He had a point.

"Alright then," I nodded. "When are we going?"

"In an hour, just meet me at the training ground that we used to go when we were kids," He replied.

He left my house and I rushed to the bathroom to start getting ready. I quickly took a shower and then brushed my hair so it wouldn't look crazy. I also didn't want to look like I haven't slept in days, so I put on some light makeup.

I looked at the clock and saw I had about twenty minutes to get there, so I got my ninja attire on and rushed over to the training ground so I wouldn't be late. 

When I got to the training ground, Asuma was sitting on a tree stump and I sat down on the grass next to him. I already saw three silhouettes in the distance, so I knew that was probably his students.

They got closer and I observed them. There was a boy with spiky black hair and brown eyes, a girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and then a boy who was chubby with swirls on his cheeks. I already knew which clan they were from since they closely resemble their parents.

Plus, the markings on the boy's cheeks were obvious.

The genin arrived and they were looking at me curiously, probably wondering who I was.

"Now we can get to the introductions," Asuma spoke. "I'm Asuma Sarutobi and I'm going to be your sensei,"

He then told them about how he was pretty excited to be their sensei and explained how he plans on training exercises daily. The boy with the spiky hair groaned and I chuckled at his reaction.

"What a drag..." He mumbled. That is definitely Shikaku's son. 

"Okay now you can introduce yourselves, we'll start with you," Asuma pointed at the girl with the blonde hair.

"I'm Ino Yamanaka,"

"Choji," The chubby one paused to eat his chips. "Akimichi,"

"Shikamaru Nara," The lazy one said. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now