Chapter 10

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After laying down for hours, I decided to use the bathroom. I've been holding it for about three hours and I completely forgot I had to pee until now.

I practically ran to the bathroom and after I finished up, there was a knock on the door.

My heart started to beat.

I didn't answer like Itachi said, but the door opened anyway.

It was just Hidan.

"H-Hidan?" I asked, trying my hardest to not show weakness.

He closed the door behind him quietly and walked over to me. 

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Just to chat," He said, looking around. "So, he actually let you stay here? That's pretty courteous of him,"


"It makes me wonder, why are you so important to him?" He asked rhetorically. "He did kill his clan after all..."

I didn't reply.

"Anyway, what's your name?" He asked.

"It's Kasumi," 

I only told him my first name. I don't trust him at all.

"Kasumi," He said. "I still can't stop wondering why Itachi is doing this for you. He's always following the rules pretty well, so he wouldn't just do this for anyone,"

I looked at him suspiciously, wondering where he was going with this.

"Are you maybe...involved with him?"

"What?!" I raised my voice. "No! I hate him!"

Hidan looked surprised at my outburst. "You hate him? He used his sharingan on me, so that shows that he's protective over you,"

"He killed my best friend when I was 13," I retorted. "I hate him with every fiber in me. He had the audacity to ignore me when I asked him why he killed my friend,"

I started ranting about Itachi and Hidan seemed amused the entire time.

"I don't want to talk about that bastard anymore," I huffed. "So just tell me about yourself,"

"I hate small talk,"

"I don't care,"

Hidan smirked. "So, you do have a backbone,"

I realized I let my attitude slip and I'm lucky Hidan won't kill me right here and now. 

"Well, I'm a Jashinist. My religion is very important to me and I always make sure that Lord Jashin will be pleased with my selection for my rituals," Hidan said.

"I don't think I've heard of that or met a person up until now who follows it," I replied.

"My faith in my religion is the reason why me and my partner get pissed off with each other. He's a greedy, stingy bastard who only cares about money," Hidan ranted. "And then he has the audacity to tell me I can't go after this person so that's why I had to ask Itachi for help,"

Hidan then started telling me about his past. He told me that he grew up in an abusive house. His father was apparently very abusive and treated him horribly. I felt bad for him. I almost wanted to reach over and hug him.

I realized right now, he's more trustworthy than Itachi. 

"Anyway," Hidan said. "Let's change the subject. You said Itachi killed your friend, but yet he's being protective over you. That's-"

The door opened, immediately cutting Hidan off.

Itachi didn't even look at me. He was looking at Hidan.

"I told you not to enter this room specifically," Itachi said.

Hidan gave him a smug grin. "But you weren't staying in this room, so therefore, I'm not actually breaking any rules here,"

"Well now I'm in my room, so that means you're breaking the rules now. Leave," 

"Whatever," Hidan stood up. "Your room is boring anyway. By the way, you might want to tell Kasumi here why you're keeping her in this room. It's hard for her to trust you when you leave everyone in the dark,"

Hidan didn't sound genuine with his words. It sounded as if he was trying to get under Itachi's skin. Whether I could trust him or not was confusing me.

"I'll help you with your mission later. You need to leave," Itachi said again, coldly.

Hidan left the room but then turned back to me before walking down the hall. "If you ever wanna ditch him, you know where to come. I won't keep you in the dark about anything."

With that, he left and Itachi shut the door. 

"I told you to watch yourself around him,"

"Hey, don't blame me here," I retorted. "Hidan came inside by himself. I didn't invite him in here,"

"He could've killed you. I told you he likes to play mindgames sometimes,"

"He actually opened up to me, unlike you," I glared. "How do I know you're not the one playing mindgames here? You'll probably kill me,"

Itachi said nothing and started leaving. The audacity of this man.


My voice was demanding this time.

He tried to walk out and I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. I could tell I took him by surprise.

"I want the truth right now. Why are you helping me?"


If anyone can catch who I based Hidan off of in this chapter, then you get a free cookie lol 

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