Chapter 21

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We finished up around the farm and then headed back to get our pay.

As we walked back to the village, Naruto was telling me a story and Sakura was tuning him out by staring at Sasuke. Sasuke was ignoring everyone and was looking off into the distance. I couldn't help but think that his expressions were very similar to Itachi's.

Ugh, when will that boy leave my thoughts? I bet he hasn't thought about me since we went our separate ways.

Naruto finished his story and we walked in silence. I felt bad for being inattentive, but how else was I supposed to react? I couldn't get a certain Uchiha out of my thoughts. 

Finally, we reached the village and were greeted by Izumo and Kotetsu. I gave them a friendly smile and continued walking. 

"I better get a fair amount of my pay! I didn't go through those cows not listening for nothing," Naruto said as we walked inside of the Hokage Tower.

"They're just cows. You're just a dobe." Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Call me a "dobe" again and see what happens-!" Naruto was cut off by Sakura.

"Quit yelling you idiot!" She scolded.

I found their antics amusing.

I knocked on my Dad's door and heard his voice telling us to come in. I opened the door and saw Kakashi inside, waiting on us.

"Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto noticed.

He gave them a close-eyed smile and a peace sign.

"How did it go?" Dad asked.

"It went well. They're probably ready to get a higher ranked mission now though," I replied with a small smile.

"Naruto didn't give you any trouble, did he?" Kakashi asked jokingly.

"Nope," I said. "It all went well,"

Dad gave us our pay and then dismissed everyone. I went back to my house and decided to go change into my casual attire, which was just a maroon sundress and sandals. I also let my hair down since I was too lazy to tie it up or braid it. 

I wanted to take a walk just to clear my head of a certain Uchiha. 

I decided to visit Hana, so I started walking towards the Inuzuka household. I felt awkward just walking in their house, but Tsume told me to do this. I just feel rude if I don't knock first. 

Hana walked downstairs and smiled. "Hey, you finally listened to my mom,"

"I know, it feels weird just walking in though," I replied with a smile. 

She chuckled and I followed her upstairs to her room. It felt like we were teenagers having a sleepover again. The last time I spent the night, we were 15.

I sat down on a fuzzy chair she had in her room and she lied down on her bed looking through a magazine. She was telling me about a guy she has her eye on and I wanted to tell her about Itachi, but I knew I couldn't. 

"So," She said and looked up at me. "I can tell something has been on your mind for the past few days. What's going on?"

I got all choked up. What was I going to tell her?

I couldn't form words and opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again.

"You know you can tell me anything. You can trust me," She continued.

I finally found my words.

"I...need advice," I started.

She rose her eyebrow. "I'm listening..."

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now