Chapter 20

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A month had passed after the "incident" and I haven't seen Itachi since then. The more I thought about his last words to me, I realized he probably just said that to make me feel better. He always knows when something is up.

I still thought about him though, but it was a lot easier to push those thoughts to the back of my head since I haven't seen him in so long.

Today, I was going to be a substitute sensei for Kakashi's team and I would take them on a D-ranked mission today. Kakashi had a meeting to attend to, so he asked me if I could fill in for him today. 

I got ready and started heading over to the training ground where he told me to meet them at. I didn't know who is students were except for Sasuke, but I hoped they wouldn't be too difficult today. 

What I did know is that seeing Sasuke wasn't going to help me forget Itachi. 

I felt those thoughts of him coming back and I pushed them away quickly, realizing I was going to be late. I hope they wouldn't be annoyed with me for being five minutes late. 

I saw them sitting on the grass and suddenly, the blonde one sighed with relief.

"Thank god!" He exclaimed. "I thought you were gonna be as late Kakashi-Sensei!"

"I'm sorry I'm late," I apologized. "I kind of took a while to get ready this morning,"

The pink-haired one just laughed unhumorously. "Oh, believe me, you're fine. Kakashi-Sensei was once four hours late,"

"Four hours late? What were you guys doing?" I ask.

"He told us to meet him in this training ground at 5 a.m. for a test and he ended up coming at 9," The blonde boy answered. "I took a big nap too!"

Oh, Kakashi. I bet he was late because of that book he reads.

"Anyway, we should introduce ourselves to each other," I said. "I'll start by introducing myself,"

I sat down on the tree stump. "I'm Kasumi Sarutobi," I started. "I'm 19 and I have two older brothers and one nephew,"

And possibly one more niece/nephew on the way.

I didn't say that out loud, but I mentally smirked at my own thought about Asuma and Kurenai.

I could see the blonde boy was a bit stunned by my name.

"We actually got a proper introduction this time," The girl said, half-joking.

The blonde boy started to introduce himself. 

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen and I hate the three minutes you have to wait to eat instant ramen," He said. "I also plan on becoming Hokage someday!"

I chuckled at his part about ramen. The girl sighed and muttered under her breath. Then she looked up to face me.

"I'm Sakura Haruno," She started. "My likes are...uh..."

She snuck a glance at Sasuke and then she blushed.

"I mean uh, I like reading!" She finished.

I can see we're in the same boat.

"And I'm Sasuke Uchiha," he said and that was all to his introduction.

Great. I already can't stop thinking about his stupid brother and now those thoughts will be harder to push away because of how similar they look. I just sighed and put on a fake smile. 

"Great," I said. "Now that we are all introduced, we can go see my Dad to get a mission. I know you guys probably want something higher ranked, but-"

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now