Chapter 35

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Here's a happier chapter for once. A friend helped me plan this out and it's longer to make up for the last chapter being short.


The next day, I was sitting on my couch. I was feeling lazy today and I was hoping Dad wouldn't assign me on any missions. I was tired because of the Chunin Exams and stressing over Itachi and Gin. 

There was a knock at my door and I sat up on the couch.

I opened the door, seeing it was Asuma and Konohamaru.

"Hi, Aunt Kasumi!" Konohamaru waved.

I invited them both inside and they sat on the couch.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but what are you guys doing here?" I asked, sitting on the chair across the couch.

"I thought about a family outing," Asuma said. "And I know things are strained between me and the old man, but it would be nice to have the family get together for once,"

I liked the sound of that. The last time we ever had a family outing was when my mother and our older brother was still alive. Also, Dad and Asuma had an argument a few years ago and their relationship has been strained since then. I was probably the only one who was still close to him. I hoped that no one would start arguing when we went out though.

"Okay," I nodded. "Let me shower and I'll be ready,"

They both nodded and I went to the bathroom to go shower and get ready. After that, I grabbed my clothes and put them on. 

"Yeah, but doesn't Auntie Kasumi hate it when you smoke?" I heard Konohamaru ask.

"What she doesn't know won't kill her," Asuma replied and I smelled a cigarette.

I quietly rushed over and stood behind Asuma, crossing my arms and had an eyebrow raised. Konohamaru started sweating nervously and Asuma looked over at him and then froze.

"She's right behind me, isn't she?" 

Konohamaru nodded.

Asuma chuckled nervously.

I started giving Asuma an earful about smoking in my house and how he shouldn't be smoking. I smacked his head lightly after lecturing him and took the cigarette out of his mouth, then put it out and threw in the garbage.

"Don't smoke in my house, you know I hate it when you smoke," I ended.

Konohamaru looked a little scared and then shook it off after he noticed that I was no longer angry.

"Are we all ready?" Asuma asked.

"Yup," I said and we left my apartment to go get Dad.

He does so much paperwork that I wouldn't be surprised if we walked in and saw stacks of papers everywhere in the office. He needs a break every now and then or it'll probably kill him one day.

Asuma knocked on the door and Dad looked up. I could tell he was a bit surprised to see his two kids and his grandchild all standing together.

"What brings you three here?" Dad asked and went back to writing.

"Dad," Asuma said. "We planned to have a family outing and we want you to join us,"

Dad looked up surprised and you could see the happiness that flashed in his eyes when Asuma had said that. I think he missed the days when we were all together and would go out and eat somewhere.

"I guess I can call Iruka in to finish some paperwork," Dad stood up. "Let me go change into some different clothes and I'll meet you outside,"

We let Dad go change and walked down to the entrance to wait on him outside. I didn't know what Asuma had in mind, but I was actually looking forward to this. I hoped that we could keep this tradition going on for a long time now.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now