Chapter 36

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Today was the day the genin would face each other in the final rounds for the Chunin Exams. 

I was paranoid about Orochimaru and my crazy ex-boyfriend. I came to watch to make sure I was there in case anything happened. I was currently sitting with Anko and Kurenai at the top of the bleachers.

I know Gin was with the Interrogation Force, but I knew he could probably escape if he wanted. He always would find his way to me somehow.

"I can't wait to see how Shikamaru will do," Asuma remarked.

"Yeah, he's a genius. I bet he'll win with no problem," I replied.

Kurenai nodded in agreement with me. I normally would be teasing them, but I was too paranoid about Orochimaru and Gin. I had no idea where Konohamaru was either, but I assumed he was somewhere safe.

I didn't like how I wasn't up there with Dad protecting him. He was the only parent I had left.

If something happened to him, I know it would break me. Asuma was always a mommas boy and I was always a daddy's girl. I've been closer to my Dad growing up than I was with my mom. 

The final rounds finally started and the first match was Naruto vs Neji Hyuga. Their fight was pretty interesting because Neji kept talking down to Naruto the whole time. Naruto finally won and everyone here was stunned by the fact that Naruto won against a Hyuga. 

I was stunned too.

After Naruto's match, we were waiting on Sasuke to come down to start his match. The crowd was getting angry.

"What's going on here?" A spectator asked angrily. "Hurry up and start the match already!

Sasuke better hurry up so the matches can go on. 

Dad and the Kazekage were talking, probably debating on whether he should be disqualified or not.

Genma walked onto the fields and looked up at the spectators. "Listen, everyone, one of the competitors from the next battle has not arrived yet so we're going to briefly postpone this match and simply jump ahead to the following match."

The next guy dropped out of the match.

The crowd started booing. 

"I wonder what's going on," I wondered out loud.

"I don't know, but this is getting pretty weird. First Sasuke doesn't show up and the next guy withdraws from his match," Asuma added.

"Next up, Shikamaru Nara and Temari," Genma said.

Asuma perked up and now the crowd was getting excited.

"Why does it have to be my match next? What a drag." Shikamaru complained, causing Asuma to sweat-drop.

Naruto pushed Shikamaru down to the battlefield and the crowd started getting frustrated with Shikamaru's laziness, so they threw empty soda cans down there and banana peels. 

Asuma sighed. 

The girl, Temari, started the match by making the first move without Genma saying start, and the match was starting to get interesting. Shikamaru held his hands up with each fingertip connecting with its corresponding fingertip, held his head downwards while closing his eyes, and knelt down.

"What is that? A hand seal?" Kurenai asked.

"It's something more like a hermit," Asuma answered.

"A hermit?" I rose an eyebrow.

"That kid, he's like an old man. He like to take things slowly. I mean really slowly. That's why he's so good at games like shogi, he's always challenging me to a match. Whenever gets stuck on a movement, he does that thing with his hands," Asuma said.

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