Chapter 8

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The next morning, I woke up and hoped again that this was a dream, but the world hates me so it wasn't. 

Kisame was out getting something to eat for us and Itachi was resting his eyes since he overused his sharingan again. I was sitting here clutching my stomach because I had hunger pains.

I decided to try and get my mind off of the hunger pains by going to look at the lake. I loved it when the sun hit water and made it look like it was sparkling. 

As I stared into the lake, I could see Kisame from my peripheal vision. I turned to face him and he was handing me some food.

"The most I could find were berries and nuts. It's better than nothing," He said.

I took them and he went inside the cave. 

I ate them, still pondering how everything was back at the village and what Kisame meant by Itachi bringing up an old friend. What did that have to do with me? 

Itachi and Kisame walked out and sat down with me.

Kisame lied down and Itachi was staring off into the lake like I was. I glanced over at him and noticed his hair had light specks of red in the sunlight and the slight breeze was making his hair look majestic.

I quickly looked back to the lake, mentally slapping myself. 

I hate him. I can't think stuff like that. I have to kill him one day and nothing will change the way I feel towards him.

"I think we should go to the base now," Itachi said suddenly.

Kisame and I both looked at him, as if he grew two heads.

"Uh, what about me going home?" I asked.

"I don't know about that," Kisame added. "You know that isn't a good idea,"

"Orochimaru is still trying to follow us," Itachi replied. "He's going to keep following us if we don't go back to the base,"

Kisame looked back up at the sky. "I guess you've got a point. He'd never suspect that we took her there and that would throw him off completely,"

Go back to their base? Hell no. I could get killed if there's any more criminals with them.

"Why can't you guys just take me home already? Or at least lead me to a path that would safely get me back to the Leaf?" I asked.

Kisame looked at me and I could tell he was getting annoyed. "You're not even staying that long with us. You can either come with us and be safe, or you go back and put your home in danger,"

When he put it like that, that's when I stopped being stubborn about it.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes.

I already was unamused with being stuck with them and Orochimaru. Now I'm unamused because of how well Kisame was able to shut my attitude and sarcasm down. 

"Let's go now," Itachi said and stood up.

We all left the lake and I started wondering if there were any more criminals with them. They're clearly part of an organization of some sort because of the matching cloaks. 

If there was any more, I hoped to God they wouldn't kill me. 

My mind then went back to everyone in the village. I knew Konohamaru was probably taking this hard. It pained me to think that he's probably even more upset than everyone else right now. 

How would I even cover this up? I can't just tell them that I was staying with Itachi. 

The walk to their base was long and it was starting to get on my nerves. 

Granted, it wasn't as long of a walk with Orochimaru and Kabuto, but this was still tiring. I was still getting hunger pains and that's what made me weaker. 

"So, Itachi," I said. "I'm assuming you're part of an organization. I know you have to be because of the matching cloaks and the base,"

He didn't respond.

Typical of him.

This man manages to irritate me very easily.

"Can you at least tell me how many of you are there?" 

No response, once again.

"Look, I just don't want to get killed by your other members so that's why I'm asking," I huffed. "I-"

I stopped suddenly and my eyes widened once I saw something slither in the leaves. Both men noticed I stopped walking and were looking at me with confusion.

"Is something wrong?" Kisame asked.

"I think I just saw a snake!" I panicked. 

I panicked for two reasons. One, I was terrified of snakes and two, it was probably Orochimaru.

Kisame grabbed the handle of his sword and Itachi instantly activated his sharingan. 

Please don't be Orochimaru. I don't want to die with him, I'd much rather die with these two instead of him.

"It's a centipede," Itachi said and his eyes went back to normal.

I sweat dropped, embarrassed.

"Scared of bugs?" Kisame deadpanned.

My cheeks flushed and I looked down. "There's a reason why I avoid the Aburame clan somtimes..."

I mean centipedes are gross, so I had every right to be worried.

We continued walking to the base and Kisame was nice enough to squish the centipede for me.

I started noticing some dirt instead of the grass and looked around with confusion.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're almost there," Itachi replied. "From here on, it's a short walk,"

I nodded and started seeing a river the further we walked. We were walking alongside the river and now I couldn't help but wonder how the other members would react to me being there. It scared me since it's just me against multiple enemies. 

Not only that, but I didn't know how strong they were. 

I can't take on that many when it's just me. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now