Chapter 18

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Today was the day that I would be going home. I still don't know how to feel about it.

On one hand, I was happy that I was going to be able to go back and see everyone, but on the other, I was bothered that he wouldn't be around me anymore. Why did I have to go and get attached to him like an idiot?

He went over the plan with me and I spaced out a bit since I was too caught up in the fact that my attachment to him was making this hard.

I think he knew I was attached too since he's so observant.

I roughed up my hair and clothes so it would look like I was in a fight. I needed to make this believable as possible so no one suspects a thing.

Itachi was acting differently today. He was acting as if he was keeping his walls up around me. It kind of stung.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

I nodded and we started walking back to the Land of Fire. Kisame didn't come with us, so the walk was silent.

Itachi didn't say much. He would only talk if he needed to. 

I was on guard the entire walk though, since those random guys were targeting me the other day.

As we got closer to the village, a small part of me was dreading this. 

"I'll take you through the back entrance because it'll be easier that way. I can put the guards under a genjutsu and you can slip past them easily. Just don't act suspicious," Itachi said.


We finally got to the south gate and I sighed.

Well, this is it. I was going to go back home now. 

Before Itachi left, I called out to him.

"Wait, Itachi!"


I hesitated a bit.

"Will...we cross paths again, someday?"

He turned his head to look at me and there was a ghost smirk at the corner of his lips. 

"I think there's a chance."

My heart started to flutter and he left. I watched him go and I felt sad that this was the end. I felt like we got a bit close the whole time. 

I finally entered the village when his silhouette was no longer in sight.

I took a deep breath and people just stopped and stared at me. They started whispering amongst themselves. I knew they were probably questioning what happened to me and how I got back.

"Kasumi!" Someone shouted and I was immediately engulfed in a huge bear hug.

It was my brother. 

I hugged Asuma back. 

"I'm so glad you're okay," He said. "Dad and I were worried sick about you. Where were you?"

Then, another voice joined the conversation.

"Yeah, how did you get back?" 

I let go of Asuma and saw that Kakashi was looking at me curiously.

"Guys," I sighed. "I just got back. I'm not ready to answer all of these questions yet. I just want to check in with Dad and Konohamaru, then go home,"

I had to pretend I was exhausted so I could keep my story consistent.

"Oh, well that's fine. I'm glad to see you're safe though," Kakashi said. 

I started walking to the Hokage's Tower and to my displeasure, Asuma and Kakashi came with me. I understand that they were worried about me, but pretending I'm exhausted was tiring itself. 

"I got back because I escaped from an enemy. I'll explain more when I'm talking to Dad," I said to them.

The walk was quiet. I was feeling sad and it was starting to overwhelm me. I knew it had to do with Itachi.

I knocked on Dad's office door and heard his voice. 

"Come in!"

When I opened the door, he stared at me with shock and relief. I quickly ran over to him and I hugged him immediately. He hugged back. 

"I'm happy that you're safe," He said as I pulled away.

"Yeah," I smiled. "I ran into some pretty tough enemies. I'm okay now though,"

I mentally took a deep breath, hoping my story would sound real. I needed to convince all three of them so they wouldn't suspect me.

"Okay, explain what happened," Dad said.

I remembered what Itachi told me and started speaking. 

"So Izumo, Kotetsu, Hana, and I were investigating some hideout. Someone set off a trap, which caused me to hallucinate and I lost my consciousness," I started. "When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar place and these rogue ninjas started attacking me with questions, trying to get information on someone I don't even know,"

"Who were they asking about?" Dad asks.

"I don't remember. They used some kind of jutsu to erase part of my memories and I eventually found my way back home," I replied.

I think they believed me. Dad may have been slightly suspicious, but he didn't say anything. I guess technically some part of it wasn't a lie, since those two guys I didn't know were after me.

"Well, I guess they're gone for good now. I'm just glad you're safe. Hana was extremely worried and Konohamaru is really upset right now, so you should go see them before you get home," Dad said.

"Okay, I'll go see them for sure,"

"Are you injured or anything? If you are, you should go to the hospital," Dad asked.

"No, I'm okay. They didn't really cause harm to me. They were mainly trying to scare me," I said.

"I'll check in on you later with Asuma. Be careful when you get home." Dad said and I left his office.

Asuma and Kakashi left because they had to go meet with their students. 

I decided to check on Konohamaru first and I knocked on the door to his apartment.

A young girl answered the door.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"I'm Konohamaru's aunt. Can I talk to him?"

She nods and calls for him.

"Konohamaru! Your aunt is here!"

I heard footsteps and it sounded like he was running to the door. I was immediately tackled into a hug and I hugged him back.

"You're here!" He said.

Once we pulled away, he looked happy and a bit teary-eyed.

"Why were you gone for so long? I thought you were..." He trailed off, not being able to finish his sentence.

"I know, I think a lot of people thought that. It's just two rogue ninjas thought I had information someone they were tracking down and held me hostage. I found my way back after I escaped from them," I explain.

"Are you hurt?" He asks.

"Nope, I'm just tired right now is all," I smile.

He wiped his eyes quickly. "I don't want to lose my favorite aunt,"

I smiled. "You won't. I'll always be here for you."

"Konohamaru, it's dinner time!" Someone from inside the house shouted.

"Well, I'll see you around, Aunt Kasumi."

He went back inside and I started to feel bad, seeing that he was crying over me. I was now going to check on Hana and I should probably let Izumo and Kotetsu know that I'm back safely. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now