Chapter 4

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I wake up to a loud pounding sound and I groaned, trying to ignore it.

"Just five more minutes" I called out, and put my blanket over my head. 

The pounding continued.

I sighed and got up. "Hold on!" 

The knocking got more aggressive.

"Just wait a goddamn minute!" I shouted, irritated.

The pounding stopped and I sat up in my bed and then angrily threw the blankets off of me. I wasn't even wearing pants and didn't even bother to go put any on. It was six-thirty in the morning, so whoever it was better have a valid reason for waking me up. 

I unlocked the door and then opened it. I was about to start yelling, but then suddenly my anger was replaced with embarrassment. 

Time to crawl back in my bed and never leave my room again.

Izumo, Kotetsu, and Hana were all standing in front of my door. 

Hana wasn't the problem since she is my best friend and has seen me under-dressed a handful of times, but Izumo and Kotetsu's faces both turned darker than a tomato and Kotetsu quickly looked away. Izumo covered his eyes, but then Hana called him out.

"Quit peeking through your fingers, Izumo!" She exclaimed, but I could tell she was just having fun embarrassing him.

He looked away like Kotetsu did and then Hana laughed.

"Uh..." Izumo started and quickly cleared his throat. "Sorry to uh, disturb you, but we have a mission and the Hokage told us to come pick you up. There have been reports of suspicious activity lately, so he wants us to check that,"

Then, Hana spoke.

"He was going to have Anko come originally, but he wanted to have an Inuzuka come instead. Also, I have more of an advantage since I have the triplets," She said.

"Oh, where are they at?" I asked.

The three dogs, the Haimaru Brothers, just barked and stepped out from behind her. 

"Kotetsu, I hope you realize I can tell you're sneaking quick glances!" Hana shouted again, smirking.

Kotetsu mumbled incoherent words.

"Kasumi, please go get dressed," Izumo asked with embarrassment in his voice.

I shut the door quickly since I was still embarrassed and then ran upstairs to change and wash up before I leave. My normal ninja outfit was just a grey dress that had off the shoulder sleeves, a red scarf that had my ninja headband on it, grey stockings that went to my knees, and the black ninja shoes.

I stepped out and Izumo and Kotetsu were still looking away. 

"Is it safe to look now?" Izumo asks.

"Yes, I'm fully dressed," I replied.

They both stopped hiding their faces and started acting normal. 

"Let's never speak of that again," I chuckled nervously.

"Agreed," Kotetsu said.

"Kasumi, guess who my little brother's sensei is?" Hana said, sounding slightly excited.

"Who?" I ask.

"It's Kurenai!" She gave me a knowing smile.

I grinned at her. Kurenai is my brother's secret girlfriend and I've always teased him about her way back when we were kids and before they got together. He'd always deny that anything was going on, but that was a lie obviously.

Plus, you could tell she really liked him by the way she would look at him. 

We exited the gate and I decided to ask what was going on so I could see if the situation with Itachi and Kisame are related.

"So, what's the problem? What are we investigating exactly?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, apparently someone made a report about suspicious activity last night and there has been a confirmation through the ANBU, so Lord Hokage called Izumo and I since we're the only jounin that are available," Kotetsu answered.

"Also, he wanted you to come as well and then called for Hana," Izumo finished.

One of Hana's dog barked and we all looked at her for an explanation.

"What is it?" She asks her dog. 

It moved around and made a slight circle. I had no clue what it was trying to tell us, but somehow Hana knows. It makes me curious if the Inuzuka can hear what they're saying or if they just know by body language or something like that. 

"You found something?" She asks again.

A bark in response.

"Let's go," Hana said to us, and we followed her three dogs who had found something. 

We run, following her dogs who stopped at a large hideout. My curiosity was going to get the best of me, but Hana had to pull me back. "You remember what happened last time you let your curiosity get to you? Wait first,"

I gave her a sheepish look, remembering what she was talking about. I gotten myself stuck in a tree branch and Shisui had to get me out and of course, he laughed about it before helping me. 

Kotetsu and Izumo observed the entrance. "Looks like it's been abandoned for a while," Izumo remarks. 

"Yeah, I think it's safe to go in," Hana nodded.

We all walk in, with our guards up of course. It was creepy. This hideout had spiderwebs and had old torches that were burned out for a while. I shuddered when I saw a spider crawl up into the web. It got darker as we stepped into this hideout. 

"Don't we have any source of light?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, no," Kotetsu sighed.

"It's okay guys. I have a match. We just need some torch or something," Hana reassured.

"You're always saving the day," I laughed. 

She chuckled and looked around for something to make a torch with. There were symbols engraved onto the walls and apparently I had stepped on a trap because I triggered a spider trap. I screamed and jumped onto Izumo's back.

"What the!" He exclaimed out of surprise because I screamed and jumped onto him.

"You're gonna let a nearby enemy know we're here!" Kotetsu hissed at me.

"I'm sorry. You know I can't stand spiders, that's why I avoid the Aburame Clan completely," I sweat dropped.

"They don't even use spiders, they use beetles," Izumo sighed.

"Same difference," I retort.

"So obviously someone was here since there are traps. This shows that we need to be careful." Hana remarked. She finally found something to make a torch with and lit it on fire to make us a light source. 

She's always has a way of figuring things out that I couldn't. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't my best friend. 

"Are you gonna get off now?" Izumo sighed and I realized I was still hanging onto his back. 

"Yeah. Sorry." I put my legs down and got off of him.

 Her dogs led us down the path, still sniffing around. 

I made sure I watched closely for traps. Strangely, I started feeling uneasy like I was last night. I swear someone was following me and this time, my paranoia was starting to become suffocating. I actually had a hard time breathing. 

We weren't alone in here and I think we've just set ourselves up into a trap. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now