Chapter 16

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Three days passed and now there were only two more days until I went home. I still wasn't feeling psyched about it, even though I should be. 

I still couldn't figure out why.

Today, all of the other members except for Kisame and Itachi were out. They didn't have to go since they've completed their missions for the week already.

Now I could be out of Itachi's room without having to worry about being spotted.

I walked out slowly and jumped when I suddenly heard Itachi behind me.

"You're up early," He remarked.

"Oh, yeah. I couldn't sleep last night," I shrugged.

He kept his gaze on me for a few seconds and I felt a little nervous. I cleared my throat and turned around, "I guess I'll go to the main room,"

The main room only had a small sofa and one chair. There was also a kitchen and a bookshelf. 

I took a seat on the chair and Itachi grabbed a book from the bookshelf and sat down on the couch.

Kisame came out, stretching out and exhaling.

"It's nice to have some peace and quiet in here," He said and walked to the kitchen.

Itachi nodded with agreement and continued reading.

"Goddamnit!" Kisame shouted from the kitchen.

I looked over and Itachi ignored him.

"What?" I ask.

"That stupid blonde ate my food. I had my name written on the box too!" Kisame shouted and slammed the refrigerator shut. 

I always hated it when Asuma ate my food back when I was living with him. We'd have arguments like once a week about eating each other's food. I only ate his food when he ate mine just to get back at him.

I looked over at Itachi again and felt my heart beating quicker again.

I don't know why I'm feeling this way and the only time I ever felt like this was back when I was a teenager.

I put two and two together and then tensed.

Am I crushing on him? That can't happen. It won't go anywhere and it's just not right.

I realized I was just full-on staring at him since I was lost in thought and he looked over at me with curiosity. I looked down at my feet, blushing immensely. I can't deny that he's good-looking, but I can't do anything.

I shifted in my seat and made myself comfortable on the chair. 

Maybe I'm just getting confused and attached since I got more of an understanding about him. 

I forced myself to stop thinking about him and started thinking about a cover story for when I got back to the village. 

Itachi said my name and I looked up at him.

"Have you thought of a cover yet?"

"I'm working on that," I replied.

"Well you can't mention anything about us or Orochimaru," He said. 

"I already know I can't tell anyone about you guys, but why not Orochimaru? He is the one who leaked that hallucinogen,"

"If you suddenly knew something about him, then that would sound a little suspicious too. Also, I checked around his hideouts and it seems like he has something else in mind so I don't think he'll be going after you anymore,"

"Then what am I supposed to tell them?"

"I have an idea, but I need you to tell me what happened before I got to you," Itachi closed his book.

"I was with a group and we were supposed to investigate the area that had suspicious activity. It looked like an abandoned base of his and I accidentally triggered his trap and then one of my friends in the group found another trap that was set off," I explain. "That's when we all inhaled a hallucinogen and it caused us to go unconscious,"

"Did Orochimaru say why he was after you?" Itachi asked.

"He wanted to use me as blackmail against my father so he can take over the Leaf and he mentioned something about planning an attack in ten weeks or so," I replied.

Itachi looked concerned, but he went back to the original subject.

"Just tell them that you were held hostage by some rogue ninjas who were trying to get information on someone," Itachi suggested.

"Yeah, but what if they ask who the 'ninjas' were or who they wanted information on?"

"Make some names up or tell them that those 'ninjas' used a jutsu on you to erase some parts of your memory." He said.

"Okay, hopefully, that manages to fool Kakashi too. He knows me way too well to tell if I'm lying since he's one of my close friends," 

After figuring out a story, I felt sleepy because I woke up too early. I started to shut my eyes and then instantly passed out on the chair.

~Time Skip~

I was woken up by a falling sensation and I shot up from the chair, thinking that I was actually falling.

My heart was racing and I just sighed in annoyance when I realized I wasn't actually falling. I didn't even know what time it was, so I had no clue how long I was out for.

I felt warm and realized there was a blanket covering me. I don't remember putting this blanket on.

Kisame walked out.

"Kasumi-" He stopped his sentence when he saw the blanket over me and started to raise an eyebrow

"How was your nap?" 

That obviously wasn't what he was going to say originally.


"Anyway, I was going to say that Itachi went out for a bit. He had something to do. Feel free to go back in his room if you want, or whatever." He said.


I was curious where Itachi went, but I didn't give it much thought. I just went back to sleep on the chair. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now