Chapter 33

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"I see you're at loss for words," He chuckled and got close to me, cupping my face with his hands. "Missed me?"

"Like hell I do," I retorted shakily. "Get the hell away from me,"

"Is that any way to speak to the love of your life?" He asked me, tauntingly.

I couldn't help the way my body reacted every time he's near me. He tried to kill me more than once, especially in my sleep. I wasn't the strongest ninja in the past, so he always had the upper hand. I shouldn't have had to live in fear because of someone who I used to trust with my life. 

I took my kunai out and slightly knicked my thigh to snap myself out of the oncoming panic attack. 

I quickly pushed him away from me and started backing up to get some distance between us. 

"You will never be the love of my life. I have no words to describe just how much hatred I have for you," I retorted, giving him the death stare.

Nothing I said seemed to phase him. He still had that same stupid smug smirk on his expression.

"Your boyfriend isn't here to protect you now, is he?" 

"For your information, I can get him to help me anytime I want. I don't need him to "protect" me, I can kill you myself," 

I accidentally started letting my anger get the best of me. That tends to happen with this piece of trash.

Too bad I actually had no way of getting Itachi to help me. I had to face him on my own and I had to keep focused.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I demanded, now moving from my spot.

The moonlight shone down, making his silver eyes look like they were glowing. They stared into my blue ones and I could see nothing but evil in his eyes. He stayed silent.

"Are you ever going to answer me, bastard?" I narrow my eyes.

"Simple," He said. "Because you're my target and I have to capture you,"

Of course.

I rolled my eyes. "Typical. Why don't you come up with something new for a change?"

"I need a strong host for my client. It's my job to bring him hosts and he insists on you,"

"Let me guess, Orochimaru?" I ask.

"Nope," Gin said. "Enough chat. Time for me to turn you in now,"

He lunged for me with a blade and cut my arm. He then tried to grab me once again, but I kicked him away. My fight or flight mode started kicking in.

He slid back and caught himself before he could hit the ground. I then used that split second to my advantage by immediately running towards him with two kunai's in my hand. I used one to cut him in the upper arm and used the other one to stab him in that same wound.

He clutched the wound in pain. He glared at me while ripping the blade out of his arm.

"You will regret that," He stated, throwing the bloody kunai to the ground.

I immediately started weaving signs for a wind release.

"Wind style, gale wolf!"

The wind started to gather in my hand. A wolf made out of wind then came out from the wind that gathered in my hand and I aimed it at Gin. The wolf started to attack him, leaving slashes from its fangs and claws. 

I weaved the signs for the mudslide jutsu.

I punched the ground, causing dirt to rise from the ground. Gin immediately fell back on the ground, struggling to get back up.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now