Chapter 11

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I knew Itachi could break free from me any time he wanted, but he just stood there as I gripped onto his wrist.

"I want to know the truth," 

"Why does that matter to you?" 

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Like Hidan said, it's hard for me to trust you when you are keeping me in the dark," I retort. "How do I know you're not just trying to manipulate me so you can kill me like you did to Shisui?"

Itachi grew silent and now he was starting to worry me.

He broke free from my grip and turned to face me. His face was still unreadable.

"Sit down,"

I sat down on his bed and he walked over to me, standing in front of me. My heart raced in anticipation.

"I'm not some killer who just murdered him in cold blood," 

"Well you sure acted like one," I spat.

"Fine," He said. "You want the truth? Then I'll tell you. You won't like what you'll hear,"

He used a different tone of voice on me so this made me shut up immediately.

"I never killed him. I couldn't have brought myself to kill him if I had to," Itachi started. "That was a rumor created by some of the other shinobi,"

"Then who the hell killed him if it wasn't you?" I asked.

"He killed himself,"

I widened my eyes and stared at him with shock.

Did he really do that? Why would he want to kill himself? He wouldn't do that. Itachi had to be lying to me.

I felt tears threatening to spill. 

I didn't even realize they were forming.

"No," I denied, shaking my head. "You're lying. Shisui would never do that. You're just making this up! Tell me the truth right now!"

My voice wavered and now I feel pathetic for showing weakness around Itachi.

"I told you that you wouldn't like the truth," He said. "I am telling you the truth. He did kill himself, I saw it happen,"

I couldn't fight the tears any longer. They started spilling.

"But...why? Why would he do it?"

Itachi looked down so I couldn't see his face. He didn't reply.

"Itachi, he was my best friend. He was like a brother to me," Tears dripped down my cheeks. "You don't understand how much he meant to me, so I deserve to know why my best friend did it. I won't believe you unless you tell me,"

Itachi sat down next to me, still not looking me in the eye.

It was almost as if he was pained by this too.

"Shisui was my cousin and a close friend to me. I'm the only one who knows about what happened to him and why he did it," Itachi started.

I stayed silent.

"The Uchiha clan had a problem with the village," He said. "They were going to plan a coup d'état and neither of us wanted that to happen. Shisui tried his best to stop it, but Danzo overpowered him and stole one of his eyes,"

"Danzo...?" I whisper.

I found it hard to believe that Danzo would do something like that.

"Yes," Itachi nodded. "Shisui managed to get away from Danzo after that and he told me that he didn't want his remaining eye to fall into the wrong hands. He wrote a note that said he couldn't go through with the coup and that he crushed his eyes,"

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now