Chapter 15

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I had a killer headache the next morning. 

I know it was probably because I'm stressed and can't sleep that well here. There are five days until I return home, but why was I feeling so uneasy when I should be excited about it.

The door opened, breaking me out of my thoughts. I was alarmed thinking it was Hidan, but it was just Itachi. He didn't say anything to me and walked over to his dresser to grab some clothes.

I opened my mouth to break the silence and my heart suddenly started beating quicker.


Why was that so hard for me to say?

He turned to face me and I averted my eyes. "Have...have you considered coming back to the village?"

He sighed a bit. "I can't,"

"Why not?"

"You know why I left," He answered. "I committed a huge crime and already severed my ties to the village. No one's going to want me back there,"

I met his gaze. "Yeah, but after you explained to me the truth about Shisui and why you had to kill your clan, I know you're not cold-blooded as I used to think. You still care about the Leaf Village. I can tell,"

"That changes nothing," He replied.

"Yes it does," I stood up from the bed. "You can just tell Lord Hokage and the authorities what you told me. You could do something to redeem yourself and then they'll let  you back,"

"That's enough," He said. "I can't go back. I've severed my ties already and it's too late anyway,"

I didn't say anything in response. I guess he's right. I don't know what made me ask him to come back, but all I knew is that he's still loyal to the Leaf in some ways. I had a feeling there was more to his story than what he told me. 

He turned back around to grab the clothes from the dresser 

"Why are you so insistent on me coming back anyway?" He asked.

I didn't reply this time because I didn't even know why myself. Something about him draws me to him, but I wouldn't tell him that though. 

I realized I needed to answer him.

"I don't know," I shrug. "I guess I thought they'd understand,"

An explosion went off and I jumped.

"What the hell?" I asked, looking around alarmed.

"That's the bomber I told you about before-," His sentence was cut off by another explosion and some shouting. 

I could hear him sigh in annoyance. He wasn't even phased by this.

"And his partner having another dispute," He finished.

I sweatdropped. "I see..."

That sounds like more than just a dispute. 

He left the room after that and I could feel my heart beat starting to slow down. What the hell is wrong with me? It's been racing the entire time he's been in here.

I lied down on the bed and Itachi walked back inside. 

"I"m going out for a little bit, but Kisame will be here if you need anything," He said and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" I called. "Can I come too?"

I realized I said that way too eagerly. I was embarrassed now.

"Yeah, sure," 

I nodded and stood up. I smoothed out my dress and wrapped the scarf around my neck. 

I followed him out of the room and he snuck through the back entrance. 

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"Just somewhere away from here. There's a waterfall nearby and I like to go there when I need to clear my head," He whispered back.

I couldn't wait to get there. It beat being stuck in his room all day, and plus, I like being around only him. I feel safe around him now and I know I can trust him. I don't trust Hidan at all whatsoever and even if Kisame is his partner, I didn't feel safe around him either. 

I know I shouldn't trust him since he is a criminal after all, but I had a feeling that I could trust him. 

About fifteen minutes later, I saw a waterfall in the distance and the area around it was grassy. There were wildflowers and a maple tree. I already liked the sight.

He sat down beneath the maple tree and I lied down on the ground next to him.

We didn't really talk here. The silence was soothing and I liked hearing the waterfall crashing.

I stared up at the clouds, actually feeling relaxed for once.

"Kasumi?" Itachi asked.

I looked over at him.

He hesitated before speaking, "How is Sasuke?"

"Well, aside from his plan of avenging the Uchiha clan, I'd say he's doing pretty well. He has his own apartment and Kakashi tells me that he keeps it cleaner than his teammate's," I replied.

He looked curious.


"Yes, his team is...interesting," I said. "He's placed with a boy who's really rambunctious and a girl who's obsessed with him,"

Itachi seemed to be relieved to hear that his brother is doing well. 

We continued to talk for a little bit. When it was just us, he seemed different and seemed like he let his walls down a tad bit.

I couldn't help but notice how his jawline looked. It was defined. I felt heat rising to my cheeks again and I didn't realize that I was full-on staring until I snapped back to reality. The heat got worse when I realized he most definitely saw that I was staring at him.

Thank god he didn't say anything about it though. 

"Did...Did you have anyone special to you before the 'incident'?" I ask.

He looked down and I couldn't see his face.

"You could say that..."

I didn't want to press any further because that seemed like a sensitive and painful subject for him to talk about.

The fact that I was starting to let my guard down around him was worrying me.

I sat up and shivered a little because it gets cold when you're around water when it starts to get darker.

He handed me his cloak. 

"The only downside of this area is that it gets colder at night,"

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to be cold either," I ask.

"I'll be fine,"

I took the cloak and put it on. It was big on me and his scent was on it. It wasn't a bad smell either. His scent was pleasant.

"Are we going to head back now?"

"Yeah, we should hurry before it gets too dark."

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now