Chapter 22

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It's been a month since I found out I was starting to catch feelings for Itachi and I was able to finally forget him. In fact, I had a date with someone already today. Anko and Hana both thought he'd be a "perfect match" for me. I didn't know who he was though, so I was a bit scared.

I brushed my hair and kept making last-minute adjustments to it, then looked at the time to make sure I wouldn't be late. 

I had to leave now, so I'd be on time. We were supposed to meet at Ichiraku for our date. I hope it would end smoothly.

As I walked over to Ichiraku, a certain someone kept trying to enter my thoughts again. I had a date already, so there's no need to be thinking about him. 

I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me. I shook it off though.

"H-Hey Kasumi," Someone said nervously.

I turned around, seeing Izumo.

That's my date.

Why would they set me up with him?

I mean, no offense to him, but he's not my type. 

"Izumo," I acknowledged.

Izumo was obviously nervous and I was too, but not as bad as he is right now. 

"So..." He trailed off. "Shall we get our ramen now?"

"Yes, I've been craving Ichiraku for a while," I said and sat down on the barstool.

He took the seat next to me and Teuchi came over to take our orders. Izumo ordered the regular miso ramen and I ordered some new ramen they had on the menu, which is barbecue ramen.

There was an awkward silence. I picked up a chopstick from the table and accidentally dropped it on the ground. 

"Oh, no. I need to pick that up," I said and hopped off the stool. When I turned my head, I swore I could see someone looking over here. I couldn't tell who they were since they were too far away, but it was starting to freak me out now. 

"I haven't been on a date since...we were genin," Izumo broke the ice.

"Oh, me too," I said. "I haven't been on a date since I went out with Gin," 

Damnit. The date already has a bad start. I brought up an ex and it's awkward. 

"Oh...I remember him..." Izumo replied.


Another awkward silence.

Thankfully, Teuchi came to give us our food.

"Enjoy the meal." Teuchi smiled.

"Thanks!" I smiled politely.

We started eating our food and it was still pretty quiet. He tried to make some small talk, by talking about the weather or talking about a recent mission. This "date" was just getting even more awkward by the second.

This date wasn't going well at all. Izumo obviously wasn't feeling it and I wasn't either. Plus, we were making really awkward small talk and I was starting to get paranoid that someone is watching me right now. 

"It's been a while since we've seen Gin now that I think about it," Izumo suddenly said.

I mentally groaned. Why does he have to be our conversation? I don't want to remember him.

"Yup," I replied curtly.

"It's like he disappeared off of the face of the earth. I wonder what happened to him,"

Oh, I know full well what happened, but I don't want to think or talk about it right now.

"I don't know,"

Then it got silent again. I tried to start a conversation by talking about how the barbecue place is going to be remodeled soon. That didn't go well either.

Thankfully, the date was over and I started digging in my pocket to pay for my meal. Izumo stopped me though and I gave him a questioning look.

He just blushed and scratched his cheek nervously. "I know this date wasn't the best, but I'm the one who should be paying,"

"No no, let me pay for my half," I insisted.

"No Kasumi, it's okay. I'm the one who wanted a date with you, so let me pay," Izumo insisted as well.

"Fine," I said in defeat.

I felt bad and Izumo could tell.

"Don't feel bad, okay?" He smiled.

Izumo paid for our food and we exited Ichiraku.

"Hey, let me walk you home," Izumo broke the silence again.

"It's okay Izumo, really,"

He shook his head.

"Nope. As your date, I have to make sure you get home safely,"

He was really sweet, so I kind of feel bad about this. I know another woman would probably be better for him than me. 

"Um...I had fun,"

Izumo just laughed. "Look Kasumi, I know the date was crappy. I won't be offended,"

I could tell he wanted this "date" to end as badly as I did.

We reached my apartment and I turned to him.

"I think we're better off as friends," I said.

"I agree with you. I'm sorry this was awkward. Kotetsu and Anko arranged this and kept insisting that we go out, so that put a lot of pressure on us," He said. 

I just laughed. "Yup. That's Anko for you. Hana even pushed me to do this."

"See you around Kasumi." Izumo waved.

"See you."

I walked over to my window to close it and suddenly, I made eye contact with piercing, silver eyes. I screamed and backed up.

God no. Please don't let it be "him". 

I looked again, but those eyes were gone. 

I sighed and closed the window and locked it. I think I'm just hallucinating. If "he" came near me again, I think Asuma and Anko would both kick his ass. 


I apologize if this chapter is bad or rushed. I wanted to get an update out there and I needed something to lead up to a few things that'll happen in the story later. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now