Chapter 31

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It's been weeks since Itachi kissed me.

I still couldn't believe he did that. Especially after he told me about Izumi, but I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen now. Was he going to just leave it like that? Or would he come back for me?

I knew that I was in love with him and there was no denying it. I'm just surprised how quick I fell for him. 

I wanted to feel his lips against mine again and his hands on my waist again.

I was snapped out of my daydreaming by Asuma, who kept talking to me about the Chunin Exams that were happening today. 


"Yeah?" I answer quickly.

"Did you even hear what I said?" Asuma sweat dropped.

"Yeah, totally," I chuckled.

"Oh, really? Then what did I just say?" Asuma slightly smirked.

"Uh...the Chunin Exams are happening today?"

"And what else?"

I just sweat dropped and he sighed.

"You're going to be one of the proctors for the Forest of Death. I don't know why you're spacing out, but that's what's going to happen," Asuma said.

"Oh, okay. Got it!" I replied.

"Alright well, I gotta go. Kurenai and I have to go discuss some training exercises for our students because we want to get them prepared for the final rounds later on," Asuma says while standing up from my couch.

A huge grin spread across my face. 

"Okay, tell my future sister-in-law that I said hi on your date!" I smirked.

His face turned redder than a tomato and I giggled because he started to stammer and got all flustered.

"See you later, Kasumi."

He left, still blushing and I just laughed after he left. I liked Kurenai, so I'm glad that my brother found a good woman and plus I like how happy she makes him. I hope they get married because I think they are both good for each other.

After he left, I went to my bathroom to get ready for the day. Since I'm going to be one of the proctors for the second round, I assumed that I had to meet up with the other proctors to get the Forest of Death ready. 

Plus, I had plans to hang out with Hikaru. We've been closer lately. I see him as a little brother now.

I took an hour to get ready today because my makeup was taking longer than usual today. I didn't have anyone to impress, but I still liked looking good and presentable. 

After getting ready, I started walking over to the academy, where the first rounds were being held. I saw most of the genin in there already waiting on someone to show up and I walked over to the classroom next door, where Dad and some other jounin were in.

"Kasumi, you're late," Anko sighed when she saw me walk in.

"I know, I just took long today," I replied.

Dad was explaining what he wanted us to do and how the rounds were going to go. 

"And if there's too many genin who pass this first round, there will be a preliminary round before the third stage starts," Dad said in the middle of his explanation.

Anko snorted quietly. 

"I doubt there'll be that many anyway," She muttered.

Apparently, Ibiki was going to proctor the first stage and I hoped that he'd have mercy on some of these kids. I know how strict and how much of a sadist he is. Kakashi even said that he was a sadist at one point. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now