Chapter 29

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The next morning, I felt an arm on me. I blushed when I realized Itachi had his arm on me in his sleep. 

I opened my eyes, seeing he was still asleep and his arm was around me. 

I didn't want to move because I liked it. 

He woke up and realized that his arm was around me. He moved it quickly and looked a bit embarrassed.

"I'll go uh, make us something to eat," I said and got up from the bed. 

I went to my kitchen and just grabbed some leftover stir-fry that we had last night and warmed it up. He came out of my room and I handed a plate over to him.

"Do you know when you'll be going?" I asked. I didn't want him to leave, but I didn't know when he planned on going.

"My eyes are almost done recovering. Maybe for another week since I used them again yesterday," He said.

"Oh, okay," 

I didn't want him to go.

"I know you're upset," He said. "But you know it has to happen. I'm a criminal and you're a kunoichi of the Leaf,"

"I know," I sighed. "I just wish you could stay,"

He didn't say a word and kept staring at me. I was too shy to look at him and grabbed both of our plates when we finished eating and put them in the sink. I had to do dishes soon, but I was too lazy at the moment.

"I'll do the dishes for you since you've been cooking meals lately," He said and stood up.

"No, it's okay. I can-" 

"It's the least I can do. You've been cooking meals for us and I have to repay you somehow," 

He walked over to the sink and started washing the dishes. 

I wanted to spend some more time with him since he'll leave next week. 

He finished doing the dishes and he caught me looking at him again. He didn't comment on it and went over to my couch to find a book to read. I wanted to do something with him today, but I couldn't decide what.

"We should go somewhere," I said.

"That wouldn't work for many reasons," He replied.

"I know, but maybe we should sneak out somewhere. Like at a hot spring when it's closed or something like that," 

"That's not a good idea," 

"Come on, please? I want to spend time with you before you leave," 

I realized what I said and quickly slapped a hand over my mouth. Oh no.

He gave me that small smile like he did last night and put the book down. 

"Well, I guess we can do that. I just don't want to change into a cat again," 

"Hey, it's the only disguise that works," I shrug. 

I know there are other disguises he can use, but I like seeing him as a cat. I find it extremely cute. 


Now I can see where Sasuke got that from. I chuckled and went to my room to get some clothes ready to go to the hot springs. I knew there was one that wasn't too far away from my apartment, but far enough so no one would see me around.

I've avoided my friends lately, so I'm hoping they don't try to visit. If anything, they probably think I'm a crazy cat lady since I have "Stormy" now. I still had to find a black cat who was named Stormy after he leaves.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now