Chapter 12

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Hidan and I were sitting on his bed as he cleaned his scythe. 

He told me about his past again.

"Also, I once caught my father having an affair with his 'coworker'," He said. "All my father did was beat me that night and blamed it on me,"

He actually looked sad.

"I'm sorry...I hope you killed him,"

"I plan to once I run into him again," 

Hidan changed the subject again. "So, what do you say about joining my team instead?"

I looked hesitant and he noticed.

"You can trust me more than Itachi, right? I told you about myself, unlike him,"

I hated being put on the spot like this. "Can...can we talk about this another time?" 

"Fine," He said and it got quiet again.

He then started telling me about how his rituals work. 

I was grossed out by the way he described it.

"So why do you stab yourself with rods? I wouldn't ever want to purposely inflict pain on myself," I ask.

"It hurts, but it also feels amazing for me. It gives me a rush of pleasure," 

I looked up at him, off-put. You can guess where my mind went.

Hidan barked in laughter seeing my expression. "You have an interesting mind. That's not what I meant, I meant it gives me a sense of energy and it's refreshing. You should try it,"

I shook my head and he just chuckled.

"Enough about me," He said. "Tell me about yourself instead,"

I wasn't stupid enough to tell him about my past or anything, so all I did was give him short answers.

"My mom and my oldest brother died back when I was a teenager," I started. "So my father and my second older brother raised me. I'll fight for them too if I ever need to,"

I didn't tell Hidan that my father is the Hokage for obvious reasons, so I left that out. If he finds out, then he finds out. It won't be by me though. I continued to tell him about how Asuma and I used to try to go on "adventures" only to be scolded by our older brother.

"Seems like you and your brother are close," He said.

"Yes, we are. He's always there for me if I need it and I'm always there for him,"

I then started ranting to Hidan about my ex-boyfriend. I despised him.

Hidan looked bored when I was ranting, but I didn't care. Once you get me started on that bastard, I start going on for hours about how much of an asshole he is.

"Sounds like a douche," Hidan said and put his scythe down.

The door opened, making us look up in alarm, but it was just Itachi.

"Leader is gone now," He said.

"Just think about what I said about joining me," Hidan said quietly as I stood up to follow Itachi.

I didn't comment and Itachi made me walk in front of him so it was easier to hide me.

We passed by a door and an explosion went off inside that room. I jumped and looked at Itachi alarmed, but he didn't look phased by this. 

He rushed me inside his room and shut the door behind us.

"What the hell was that explosion?"

"It was just another one of our members. He's always making loud noises like that," 

"Well I'm glad you got me out of Hidan's room. He needs a candle in there or something," I shook my head.

"Be careful with Hidan," Itachi warned. "Not all of the other members here are like me and that includes Kisame,"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't trust him,"

"But he told me about his past," I said. "I'm sure I can trust him since he opened up to me. His asshole of a father needs to be put in check,"

Itachi rose an eyebrow at me. "He's lying. That's not what happened to him at all,"

I looked at Itachi with disbelief.

"He was just someone who killed the others in his village. He's never went through any of that. He was just trying to manipulate you,"

I was surprised and not surprised at the same time. Not that I planned to do this in the first place, but I definitely won't be joining him now.

"So do you know when I'll be able to go home?" I ask.


"Can I at least go outside for a bit to get fresh air later?"

He just made a 'hn' sound, which made me roll my eyes. If you're wondering where Sasuke got that from, just take a look at his brother. 

Itachi left and I decided to go take a shower. 

Itachi didn't have my preferred body wash or shampoo and conditioner, but it's whatever. At least I was getting clean.

I got dressed again after I dried off and lied down on his bed, ready for a nap. 

I was about to nap until someone walked in and I saw it was Hidan again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, suspicious of him now.

"Bored," He shrugged. 

I rolled my eyes, "Okay then,"

I really wished he wasn't in here, but I couldn't tell him to get out or else he would probably turn Itachi in and get me killed.

"So what do you say about joining me?" He asked again.

I sighed. I was a little scared to give him my answer after hearing he killed his comrades and hearing about his rituals.

"Uh, no, sorry," I shook my head. "I just want to go home instead and I plan to stay a ninja after this,"

Hidan snorted. "Whatever. You'll regret not joining me."

He walked out and muttered something about how he's gonna have to hear his partner's boring lectures now.

I pulled the blanket over me, getting ready for my nap. I couldn't stop thinking about my house, family, and the village. I was homesick.

I missed getting mad at Konohamaru for causing trouble. I missed smacking the cigarettes out of Asuma's mouth whenever he tried to smoke around me, and I missed my dad lecturing me about losing my temper. Hell, I even missed that little blonde kid who liked to paint the Hokage's faces. 

I shut my eyes and got comfy, but then the door opened again.

It was just Itachi.

"You scared me for a second. I thought you were Hidan again," I sighed with slight annoyance.

What was up with everyone and disturbing my sleep?

"I was going to shower, so I was just grabbing some clothes. I'll talk to Hidan about barging in here. I don't trust him at all,"

"Good, I like my sleep and if my sleep gets disturbed one more time, everyone will see a side of me they won't like." I said as Itachi left the room. 

I finally lied back down and got comfy in his bed. I was having a hard time trying to sleep because my homesickness and worry kept me from sleeping. What felt like hours later, I managed to finally sleep once and for all.

Itachi's bed was very comfortable and I liked it. 


Excuse my *slight* thirst for Hidan in the past chapters lmao. You can't blame me 😂

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