Chapter 19

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As I walked to the Inuzuka household, certain onyx eyes were haunting my thoughts. Why can't he leave my thoughts already?

The way he told me "I think there's a chance" gave me hope that maybe something would happen, but at the same time, I knew it was just a hopeless crush. I'm probably overthinking it, like I always do. He probably meant if he were to invade the village or something.

But then I remembered how he made that promise to Shisui.

I tripped on a crack on the sidewalk and that got me out of my thoughts. I steadied myself and realized I was at Hana's house now.

I walked up the stairs that led to her porch and braced myself so I could hide my mood right now. I wanted to tell Hana about him since she is my best friend, but I know I can't. She'd probably be mad at me for even trusting him.

I knocked on the door and heard a bunch of dogs barking, then some yelling. I assumed the yelling was from her mother, Tsume. 

The door opened and Tsume shouted again.

"Kiba! Get the door!" Tsume yells. 

"I am!" Kiba shouts.

"Don't talk back!" Tsume yelled again. 

Kiba sweatdropped and muttered under his breath. Then a puppy dashed out of the house and started trying to jump on my leg.

"Akamaru! Get back in here!" Kiba exclaimed and sighed when the puppy wasn't listening.

I thought the puppy was cute. It made me smile and animals never fail to make me happy.

"I'm so sorry Kasumi," Kiba looked at me sheepishly. He walked out to pick Akamaru up and then walked back inside. 

"It's fine, that was cute anyway. Is Hana home?" I ask.

"Yes," He said. "She'll be happy to see you're here since she's been upset since last week,"

Kiba invited me in and immediately, three dogs ran up to me and started trying to jump on me and licked me.

It was Hana's dogs, the Haimaru Brothers. They were wagging their tails happily while I waited on Hana.

She walked down the stairs and widened her eyes when she saw me. 


She quickly engulfed me in a tight hug. Kiba smiled at his sister being happy and then walked to their living room. 

"I'm back now," I smile.

"I'm really glad you're back. I was worried and I didn't want to think of the possibilities of you being dead," She said and let go of me.

Tsume walked into the hall.

"What's with all the ruckus?" She asks and then sees me, giving me a friendly smile.

"Great to see you're back," she said. 

"What happened? Why were you gone for so long? Did someone hurt you?" Hana asks again. 

She invited me inside and we sat down on her couch. Tsume walked downstairs.

Kiba walked over, curious to hear our conversation, and sat down on the last step of the stairs. 

I told them the same story that I told Dad. 

"And no, they didn't hurt me. I don't remember a lot because they used a jutsu on me to erase a part of my memories of that incident," I added. 

"We should go after this guy!" Tsume said while cracking her knuckles.

I laughed a bit. "He's probably long gone by now,"

"He probably is, since he didn't tell you about him or anything like that," Hana agreed.

"I need to start making lunch now, you should stay with us and eat," Tsume said, looking at the clock.

"No, it's okay-" I started, but she cut me off.

"I insist," She said again.

I didn't want to upset her, so I agreed to stay and eat with them.

I continued talking to Hana and Kiba as Tsume made lunch. I desperately wanted to tell Hana what actually happened, but I can't. I can't tell anyone and that was going to be the death of me.

And just imagine what everyone would think, especially when I've gone on a rant about Itachi multiple times and swore to kill him for Shisui.

After eating lunch with them, I had to go home so I could be alone for a bit. 

"I'm going to go get some rest," I said while putting the dishes in the sink. "I know it's only noon, but I'm exhausted after all of that,"

"Okay!" Tsume smiled. "Maybe I'll have Hana swing by to bring you soup or something to help you recover and remember that you're always welcome here."

"Yeah, it's fun when you're here. You should come more often." Kiba added.

I walked outside after saying goodbye to them and Hana followed me outside.

"I'll let Izumo and Kotetsu know you're back, just go home and get plenty of rest," Hana said and waved as I left.

"Thanks for letting them know. I'll see you around." 

I still couldn't get Itachi out of my head as I walked home. When I got to my apartment, I needed to shower and wash my clothes since I felt really gross right now. 

Why did I have to go and get attached to Itachi like an idiot? 

What didn't help is that I'll never forget his scent either. He has his natural musk, but then it's mixed with the smell of rain from being outside a lot. 

I unlocked my door and took a deep breath. Instead of smelling musk and rain, I only smelled the apple-cinnamon air freshener that's plugged into the wall. It was disappointing and I didn't know why.

I shut the door and turned the lamp on in the living room. I turned on the radio to play some music to see if that would get my mind off of Itachi. I took my dress and scarf off and then put everything I was wearing in the washing machine.

His eyes were still in my head. So much for trying to get my mind off of him.

I tried to make myself busy by doing housework, cleaning, and even rearranging the furniture in my living room, but every time I looked in a window, I'd hope to see his onyx eyes looking in my blue ones. 

Maybe if I go out later, that would get me to stop thinking about him.

Since I am on a road trip, expect more updates today. My goal is to upload about 4-5 chapters.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now