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Well, this story is finally over and it took me about three years to finally complete it. Thank you for all the votes, comments, and supports on this story. I know I don't reply to every single comment, but I do read them and I'm always appreciative of them. I also wanted to thank you guys for being supportive even when I was on hiatus from life getting in the way and all. 

I never intended to just end the story on this note (pun not intended), so stay tuned for part two of this story. I don't know when it'll be out, but I will definitely let you guys know on another note here. 

Also, I know I added in a character in and just killed him off right away, but I really couldn't think of anything because of my writers block. I based Tsuyoshi Watanabe after Szayel Apporo-Granz from Bleach since I've been binging Bleach again and I wanted to try something new with the enemy in this story. So if you guys didn't like that, I understand because I didn't either lol. I will try to fix that when I start editing. 

Now, it's time for the fun part. Revising and editing all of this lol. 

Again, don't forget about this story just yet. I'll use this one to let you know when part two is out. 


Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now