Chapter 25

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No, no, no.

This can't be happening.

My reasonable side told me to just leave him alone and my impulsive side wanted me to go down there and just be with him.

Which side do you think I listened to? Obviously not the reasonable side.

I jumped down from the tree and I cautiously approached him. He heard me and looked alarmed, so he instantly stood up while holding his eyes.

"Kasumi?" He asks, with surprise.


I noticed his eyes were bleeding. What happened to him?

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"What happened to your eyes? Are you okay?" I asked, ignoring his question, and quickly got closer to him.

He backed away from me. 


"What are you doing?" He asked and opened his eyes to look at me. They looked normal, but blood was running down his face.

"I'm trying to care for you. You can trust me, okay?" I insisted.

"You shouldn't care for me," He said, in his monotone voice.

"Well, I do,"

No response from him.

"Now tell me, what did you do to your eyes?"

"I just overused my sharingan is all. This is where I come to recuperate,"

"So your eyes just bleed because you overuse them? Why?"

"Because it puts a lot of pressure on my eyes,"

"Then don't overuse them," I said and took a tissue out to wipe the blood from his face. He didn't even react. He just let me do it.

"I'm your enemy, Kasumi. Why do you care about me?"

I didn't know how to answer that.

"Because I just do,"

Being close to him made my feelings even worse.

He was weakened too, so he couldn't really push me away.

"How long does it take for your eyes to recover?" I ask.

"About a week," He said.

"A week? You shouldn't be out in the open for that long, someone might find you,"

"I can't just check in a motel room without them recognizing me and again, you really shouldn't burden yourself with me since we're technically enemies,"

"Just come stay with me so you can recover safely," I insisted.

"That's not a good idea for many reasons," He said as he sat down on the rock.

"You're able to sneak in the village, so why not stay with me for a week? It beats being out in the open. I don't have neighbors directly next to me either, only down the street,"

"No, I'm just going to stay here,"

I know I should just let him be, but I just can't bring myself to let him stay there. Plus he was injured, so I would stress myself even worse by worrying about him being out here.

"It's not safe. I heard you make noise from a distance and you're lucky it's just me who found you,"

No response.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now