Chapter 7

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The next day, I thought it was all just a dream. 

I looked around after waking up, disappointed that I wasn't home. I don't even remember when I passed out.

I just wanted to go home already. I don't want to be here around the man I hate the most. I just want my comforter, my memory foam mattress, and the fan on while I slept. The only thing keeping me somewhat warm in this cave was my scarf.

Itachi was already awake and he was just looking at the waterfall as if he was lost in his thoughts. Kisame was still asleep, but he was snoring pretty loud.

"So," I said, breaking the silence. "When do you plan on letting me go home?"

I shivered a little since it was freezing right now and rubbed my arms to keep warm.

"After I find out if Orochimaru has given up on finding you," Itachi replies.

"But that could take forever!" I retorted.

He noticed that I was cold and took his cloak off. He walked over to me and now I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable since the man who killed someone dear to me is helping me.

He handed his cloak over to me and I put it on. 

It was warm, but this is still awkward. I'm also too cold to refuse any source of warmth. 

He turned around and I stood up.

"You betrayed the Leaf, so why are you helping me? What do you have to gain from this?"

"You ask too many questions," Kisame cut in. "If he's not going to give you an answer the first time, he definitely won't the second time,"

I sighed with annoyance.

Why does he have to be such a huge mystery?

"Well, this doesn't change how much I hate you for killing Shisui. I only took your cloak because it's like subzero in this cave," 

"Understood," Is all he said and sat back down.

That's all he's going to say?

He only irritated me further. 

My mind suddenly shifted to Hana, her dogs, and then to Izumo and Kotetsu. I seriously hope they're okay. I still don't even know what Orochimaru used on us to make us act weird. 

I then thought of my brother, Konohamaru, and my father. I started wondering if they're looking for me or if they sent a search party out for me. I hoped Orochimaru didn't get to them already. I'll kill him too if he did. 

What bothers me the most is that they all have no idea whether I'm alive or not and I really hate that. I don't like to be a burden on other people. .

"Get up," Kisame suddenly said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What? Why?" I ask, surprised.

Kisame shushed me. 

"Just do as we say, we don't have time to tell you right now," Kisame said.

I stood up and quickly followed them out. Itachi suddenly made a U-turn, heading deeper into the forest. 

I still don't understand what is going on here, but all I know is that I want to go home. 

When we got to a secluded spot, Itachi stopped and I handed his cloak back to him. 

"I sensed Orochimaru nearby and I suspect that he knew where we were for a second," Itachi said and sat down on a log. 

Damn, I didn't even notice him. 

Kisame sat down as well. "So what's the plan now, Itachi?"

"He has a hideout just a few meters away and I'm going to go investigate. Stay here with Kasumi. This won't take too long," Itachi replied, walking away.

I lied down on the grass and words couldn't describe how nice this felt compared to the cave. It was warm too, so that was a nice change.

"You know," Kisame broke the silence. "I'm surprised he's saving you,"

"You're telling me," I replied. 

"Then again, he did mention something about an old friend in the past and some sort of deal,"

"What do you mean?" I ask. "And who is this 'old friend'?"

"I don't remember very well," Kisame answered. "I just remembered something about an old friend in the past and I thought he meant you for a while, but I can see that you're not the person he meant,"

I stayed quiet.

"Now I can't help but wonder what he was talking about," Kisame said again. 

I stared up at the sky, thinking about everything. I wish I could relax, but I can't. I have to be on guard to make sure no one was coming. If I wasn't stupid back in that hideout, I wouldn't be in this situation right now.

"Do you know when he'll let me go home?" I asked Kisame.

"I don't," He replied. "Just trust him for now,"

I scoffed. "Trust the man who killed his family and my best friend?"

Kisame didn't comment on my snarkiness. "I meant to trust him in this situation,"

I sighed and stared off into the sky. I watched a few clouds and they looked so soft, reminding me of my pillow. My eyes started shutting.

I'll just rest my eyes for a bit. 

Time skip 

I was in the middle of dreaming, but it was starting to feel real and it was kind of scary. Air was rushing past me and someone was holding onto me and there was no longer any warmth from the sun.

I woke up immediately when I heard talking and looked around, seeing that Itachi was carrying me. 

Why couldn't he have just woken me up? Why is he carrying me?

"Where are we going?" I asked.

I could tell he was a little startled because he looked down at me quickly. 

"Just to a new spot for shelter. I found what I was looking for and now I just have to do one more thing,"

"And why couldn't you have just woken me up?" I ask.

"We tried, but you wouldn't wake up and we didn't have any time to waste."

I looked over at Kisame who held on to the handle of his sword and then I glanced back at Itachi. 

Back in the day, a lot of girls would kill to be in my spot right now. He had so many fangirls back then and I don't know whose is worse, Itachi's or Sasuke's?

For a millisecond, I almost forgot that he's a criminal and that I despised him. I shook myself out of that trance quickly.

"I can walk myself, you know," I said snippily.

He just ignored me and continued going to wherever this shelter was. He didn't stop to put me down and I rolled my eyes.

He suddenly came to a halt.

"So, this is the place?" Kisame asked.

Itachi put me down gently, rather than throwing me on the ground like Kabuto. At least he was nice enough to do that.

This new spot had a cave and a lake in front of it. It almost reminded me of a crater. It was peaceful. 

Kisame put his sword down once we walked inside the cave and sighed with annoyance. "Samehada has been desperate for more chakra ever since that fight with the kid and it's annoying."

Itachi walked over to the lake and sat down in front of it. Kisame sat down on the ground next to him and took his cloak off.

Damn, he was ripped. 

I almost forgot that he used to be part of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. 

I sat down behind them and stared off into the lake. 

Kisame's words echoed in my head.

"Then again, he did mention something about an old friend in the past and some sort of deal."

What was Itachi talking about that day?

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now