Chapter 27

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Three days have passed and him staying here has been going pretty well.

He still sleeps on the floor in my room, but I wished he'd sleep on my bed with me. 

My feelings for him were starting to grow stronger and I didn't know what to do anymore, because I knew he would flat out reject me if I confessed to him.

I was in the kitchen at the moment cooking some breakfast and making tea for us. 

Itachi came in the kitchen and he looked kind of sleepy. It was cute.

There were a few times where we would talk about things in the past or memories, so I guess we're getting closer now. 

I handed him a cup of tea and he took a drink of it. I then handed him a plate of eggs and hashbrowns and took a plate for myself. We sat at the table together and I was enjoying this time with him. I wished it could be an everyday thing. 

There was a knock at my door and I panicked. 

Oh no. Oh crap. Oh god. 

I rushed Itachi to my room and put our dishes in the sink. 

My heart was racing and I was starting to have a hard time breathing. I answered the door, panicky and I saw it was Asuma.

I hope he doesn't say anything or question me. How did he find out?!

"Hey Kasumi," He said nonchalantly.

"H-Hey Asuma," I smile nervously. 

He looked concerned.

"You alright?"


"Oh, well Dad wants to assign you on a mission, so you should go see him."

I nodded and when he left, I shut the door and let out a breath of relief. I'm glad he didn't find out that Itachi is here.

"Itachi?" I call.

He came out of my room, looking at me for an explanation.

"It was just my brother. He told me that Dad wants to assign me on a mission, so I'll be right back and I'll figure something out," I said.

Itachi nodded and I went to my bedroom to get changed in my ninja attire. After that, I took my key and locked my door. 

I walked to the Hokage's Tower and I rushed to his office. I needed to figure out what I'm going to do with Itachi now that I'm going on a mission.

I entered his office and I saw that Kakashi was just leaving. 

"Hey, Kasumi." Kakashi nodded as he left the office.

I waved at him and shut the door after Kakashi left.

"So, Asuma told me that you wanted to assign me on a mission?" I ask.

"Yeah, a villager reported that they saw someone lurking around lately and I might have an idea of who it could be, but I'd like for you to investigate outside the village and inside the village to see if you could find anything," Dad explained.

"Okay, I'll report to you after I'm finished investigating," I said and left his office. 

I went back to my apartment so I could try and figure out what to do with Itachi.

I quickly went inside and locked the door as soon as I got back inside. Itachi was just sitting on my couch, reading a book he found on my bookshelf. He looked up when he saw me walk in and put the book down.

"So what's your mission?"

"I guess a villager reported that they found someone lurking around Dad wants me to investigate," I said. "but I need to figure out what I'll do with you. I can't just leave you alone in my house, knowing someone could walk in any moment and see that you're here,"

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now