Chapter 1

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Later that day Aria was walking back to her apartment and finds a familiar face she isn't happy to see...Harry to be exact, when she comes into personal contact with him he says "Well hello darling" with a slight smirk across his face, and Aria scoffed and pushed Harry out of her way. Harry followed her, she was now getting irritated and said "Don't you have something better to do?" Harry has just a smile across his face and replies "No".

As Aria attempts to open her door Harry turns her around and kiss her, in such shock Aria slaps him and yells "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Harry stands there speechless and as he turns his face back to her she hesitantly apologizes.

Harry takes her chin now fully close to enough to barely touch her lips and says "it's okay, just don't do it again love" He then slowly walks away from Aria in the dark leaving her with just her thoughts, and processing everything that just happened.

She makes it inside and Dinah comes into view, she notices something is wrong with Aria by the expression on her face. She asks "Aria what's wrong?" But Aria was confused and didn't what to think or how to process what had happened so she lied and said "Nothing, just tired I think I'm gonna head off to bed."

The next days all of the girls were going to they're classes and so far no site of Harry or the rest of the boys, which they were glad about. As all the classes ended and everyone was out Aria found a note pinned to her door with her name on it, she opened it and it read "Be ready at 7:00 -H." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but then realized it was from Harry and ignored it.

Later that night she hears a knock at the door and notices its Harry, which she wasn't surprised but what did surprise her was that Niall was with him. She was thinking "What's Niall doing here" but before she ask Niall immediately says "I'm here for Cara" with a sweet smile. Cara comes to the door to see what's going on and pretty much has it figured out, both Harry and Niall said "We're not leaving, until you two get dressed." Aria and Cara both knew they were serious, so  they quickly and reluctantly got dress into cute mini dresses and left with Harry and Niall.

The end of Chapter 1 hope you liked it!! :) will upload chapter 2 when I get comments and likes, hopefully chapter 2 will be up later tonight or tomorrow :) xx

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