Chapter 23

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Harry calls up the lads saying "Hey erm I don't really want a bachelor party...I think I'll just spend it with Aria." He turns to me smiling as he continues "I'd rather spend it with the woman I love." And he hangs up the phone, I walk over to him for a hug saying "Aww honey, you're so sweet I love you." He kisses my lips saying "I love you too my darling."

I also cancel with the girls, Harry and I leave the house. Harry picks me up from the couch and carries me outside into the car, "Harry where are we going?" I ask. He turns to me smiling "Where it all began..." and pulls out of the driveway. A few moments later I ask "Where what began...?" In his deep raspy voice he says "Where I first seen you...our first date in the woods....where you showed me how to waltz...everything."

"You remember all of that.." I smile saying, he gets a grip of my hand and says "Of course I do...I remember every moment I've had with you." I lift his hand kissing it, Harry continues driving but soon the car slowly stops. I worriedly ask "Harry...what's going on?" He runs his hand through his hair saying "I don't know." And gets out of the car to check the engine.

Soon it starts raining and Harry says "There's a auto body shop a few miles back, I'm going to walk there to try and get some help stay here." I quickly jump out of the car saying "No, wait I'm coming with you." He says "Its not safe Aria." But I intertwined our hands and fingers saying "I'm going Harry."

We start walking and it starts to rain harder than before, we get to the body shop but its closed. "Look Harry its fine, maybe we can call Niall or someone to come after us." He nods I get out my phone but it says "No service." Great...I think to myself. Harry is now getting irritated I can tell, he says "Let's just go back to the car."

We are now on our way back to the car and once we get back in Harry sighs and says "I'm sorry love, wanted this to be perfect..." I look at him saying "Harry being here with you is perfect, come on get out of the car we can remember everything right here." He looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed and asks "What do you mean?" As I'm getting out if the car I say "You'll find out."

He gets out and follows me to the grass area on the side of the road I say "Take my hand" while smiling. He takes my hand and I say with a smirk "Do you remember how to waltz?" He nods his head and we start waltzing in the rain, it felt so refreshing. Soon we stopped dancing and he lightly puts me against a tree saying "Aria you've been all I wanted since I've first seen you, you're not like any other girl I've been're different and I feel like I can be myself around you..."

I pull him in for a kiss and don't let go, I say "Harry you've showed me that not all guys are jerks or only want girls for sex but can really care and love someone." We kiss again, our tongues locking with each other and not letting go.


End of chapter 23!! Sorry its short but all I can do for tonight. Hope you're enjoying the story! :) will update again tomorrow! Xx

Thank you everyone who reads this story <3 I love you all! Mwah. Xxxxx

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