Chapter 25

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The girls walk out before me, I'm still behind the curtains feeling nervous. I hear the music start, I think to myself "That's my queue."  I walk out and I stop to stare at everyone, but I stop and keep my face on a certain person...the man I'm marrying, Harry. As I walk I keep my eyes focused on him when I reach the alter he helps me up the step. I smile and he whispers "You look beautiful baby." I mouth ''Thank you."

The man who is marrying us says "The soon to be married couple have decided to say their own vows, Harry why don't you start." Harry smiles saying "Okay." he takes my hands inot his as he starts and says " are the most amazing, sweet, caring, and loving person I've ever met. You didn't go for me being a complete jerk, you showed me it was okay to love with my heart and most importantly you love me for who I am and you didn't run my heart into the ground like all other girls..I love you so much." He puts the ring on my finger, tears immediately start coming down my cheeks.

He wipes my cheeks and says "It's okay babe." The man then says "Okay Aria, it's your turn." I get the ring from Cara, and I begin by saying "Harry you are such a gentleman and everything the people said about you I blocked out because I knew it wasn't true. You were my first boyfriend, now husband, you've showed me that if a guy really loves a girl he can wait for when she's ready for certain things...I love you." The man says "Alright, Harry do you take Aria Louise Brown to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He smiles and says "I do." He turns to me and says "Aria do you take Harry Edward Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband." I smile huge and say "Absolutely."

The man turns to the audience and says "Does anyone object to this couple getting married, if you do say it now or forever hold your peace." The audience was slient, and he says "Okay I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." Harry pulls me in and kisses me so intently I didn't want to let go. We walked down the isle together and went over by the creek for a little walk until the reception started. As we're walking Harry says "So...where do you want to go for our honeymoon?" I turn to him and say "I don't care as long as I'm with you."

He chuckles and says "Okay babe, well I was thinking we can go to the States? California maybe...I've always wanted to go there." I smile and say "Oooh yeah we can do that, and you can also maybe meet my parents? A day or two before we leave back here though, because I just want to be alone with you." He wraps his arm around me and says "Okay love, we'll do that then. We'll stay in a hotel tonight and leave first thing in the morning." I smile and say "Okay."

We head back to the reception and everyone stands up and applauds as we walk in, Harry and I take our first dance on the dance floor. I ask "Do you still remember how to waltz?" He smirks and says "You bet I do." And he takes the first move. We waltz and everyone starts cheering and clapping, Harry and I just look at each other and smile. After we finish everyone fills the dance floor and I dance with Harrys dad while he dances with his mum.

I take a break from the dance floor to get a drink and I feel someones arms wrapping around my stomach knowing it's Harry I smile and say "I love you." He rests his chin on my shoulder and says "I can't wait for just the two of us be alone." I chuckle and say "I know, the party is almost over, come on lets enjoy the last of it." I bring out to the dance floor and we just slow dance for a bit, I listen to his heart beat and his chest go up and down.

A little while later I call all the girls over for the bouquet throw and I turn around, and I throwing it behind me. I immediately turn around to see who caught it and it was my lovely little sister...Cara. Niall comes over to her and kisses her on the forehead, the music stops as I'm dancing with Harry and all the lads are up there about to give a toast. Niall starts out by saying "Harry is one of the coolest lads I know, and Aria you've changed him a lot I'm glad you two are together." Louis then takes the mic and says "You two are the most cutest couple and Harry is one cheeky jerk but now he's just cheeky and that's good congrats to you both."

Harry and I smile, now it's Zayns turn "Harry here was a serious ladies man and didn't keep one girlfriend for long, but you, I guess you're different Aria you've changed him for the better, much love to you both." Finally Liam says "Yeah I agree with all the lads comments, and I think we've all seen Harry change, so congrats to the lovely couple Aria and Harry." I turn around to Harry and hug him tightly kissing him. The party was almost over but Harry and I  wanted to leave just a little bit early, so we say goodbye to everyone and Harry carries me out to the car. We're driving to Holmes, Chapel for tonight then heading to the airport tomorrow.

As we're driving I say "Harry...give me your hand." He chuckles and says "Okay." he rests his hand on my lap and I pick up his hand kissing it saying "Thank you.." He asks "For what?" I hold his hand against my heart saying "For taking my heart and not breaking it." He takes my hand and holds it tightly saying "I plan on never breaking you're heart for as long as I live." Before I could say anything we pulled into the hotel parking lot and he hurries over to my side and carries me out of the car so my dress won't get dirty. We rush inside and he says "Hi we have a reservation for the Honeymoon suite." The lady smiles and says "Okay, name please?" Harry puts me down and says "Harry Styles." She turns around to get the keys and says "Ahh okay here's your key Mr. Styles enjoy your stay, congrats to you both." I smile to her saying "Thank you." And Harry excitedly pulls me towards the elevator.


End of chapter 25!! You guys think we're towards the end?? Hardly ;) anyways thank you for reading this story and I hope you're loving it!! Xx Love you all! Mwah. Xxxxxx

Chapter 26 will be up tonight or tomorrow idk yet. xxx

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