Chapter 2

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Harry, Niall, Cara, and I all walk out to the car but Niall and Harry had came in different cars which Cara and I were not aware of, Harry took my hand and Niall took Caras and went into their own separate cars. Harry and I take the lead on the road and Niall follows, it's silence almost the whole car ride until I break the ice with Harry and ask "Is it true what people say about you?" I make eye  contact with Harry he looks at me with a smirk and replies with a raspy voice "What do people say?" I was a little hesitant to answer but say "That you're one of the baddest guys around...along with your mates." Before Harry could reply we arrived at a fancy restaurant, with Niall and Cara close behind.

Harry gets out of the car and walks to the side that I'm on and opens the door for me, he takes my  hand and leads me into a fancy restaurant along with Niall and Cara. Cara and I see 3 more familiar faces but also 3 different, As soon as we walk up to the table they greeted by Louis, Liam, and Zayn along with their girlfriends Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie. I thought to myself "How can these 3 gorgeous girls be with these jerks" Eleanor an the other girls greeted Cara and I with warm smiles and hugs, We all take a seat at the table and order dinner. While we're waiting for our orders we have small talk and try to get to know each other even though I don't want to get to know Harry at all. Our orders arrive and we all begin to eat, but I started to not feel well and excused myself to the bathroom, Cara followed behind me to make sure I was okay. As soon as we get into the bathroom Cara asks me "Are you okay Aria?" I say "I'm not feeling well, I think I should go home." Then suddenly I feel a buzz against my purse, I notice it's a text from Harry. I think  to myself "How did he get my number?" I open the text and it says "What's wrong love?"  I reluctantly reply putting "Not feeling well, I wanna go home."

A few minutes later Harry walks into the ladies bathroom and asks Cara to leave, Cara looks at me and I nod letting her know she can go. After Cara leaves Harry locks the door and walks closer to me palming my face and asks "What's wrong? Is it something you ate?" Aria sees something different in Harrys eyes...sincere worry and concern in his eyes, I look down and say "I don't know my stomach just hurts, can you take me home please?" Harry says "Sure babe, lets just go say bye to everyone." We leave out of the bathroom and back to the table where everyone else was and Harry says "We're going to leave now you guys, sorry but Aria isn't feeling well." We said our goodbyes to everyone and I walk over to Cara and ask "Are you going to be okay by yourself?" She smiles and says "Yes, I'll call you when I'm on my way home." I give her a hug and say goodbye, then leave with Harry.

Harry opens the door for me as we approach the car, and then gets in on the other side. We drive a little ways before I ask Harry to stop so I can puke, he pulls over and I get out of the car and throw up in a ditch. He was nice enough to hold my hair for me, when I'm done puking we get back in the car and continue driving back to my apartment. As we arrive Harry once again opens the car door for me to get out, but this time he picks me up off my feet and carries me to my bedroom, which I tought was very sweet of him. He lays me down on my bed and asks "Would you like me to help you out of your dress?" with a devlishy smile on his face, I say no thank you Harry 'm okay. I undress out of my mini dress into a long t-shirt and sweats and I suddenly feel sick again puke all over the place. Harry helps me to the bathroom and says he's staying the night, I told hime that it's not necessary, but he insisted and I wasn't in the mood to argue. Cara finally makes it home and says she can take over but so there wasn't a argument I tell her that he's going to help me , so she can go to sleep.  He lays me down and my eyes feel heavy, so I fell into a deep sleep.

I wake up the next morning with Harry sitting up in a chair next to my bed, I was surprised that he wasn't sleeping in my bed. What a gentlemen I thought to myself, I woke him up and he sits up fastly asking "Are you feeling any better?" I tell him I feeling fine,  just have a headache. He gets up and leaves out of the room for what seemed like an hour but actually only 20 mins, and comes back with some tylenol and water for me with a side of mixed fruit. I thank him and take my medicine and eat a little fruit, then lay back down. "You can leave now Harry if you want, I think I'll be okay." He looks at me and takes my hand then says "I'm not leaving until I know you're completely better." I put my palm against his face and say "It must not be true what people say about you huh? At least I don't believe it." Then I give him a light kiss on the cheek, and raise out of bed then I ask him with a soft smile "Would you like some breakfast? I'm feeling well enough to make some." He smiles back and says "sure" I walk out of my bedroom into the kitchen start to prepare breakfast.

About 30 minutes later breakfast was served, I made some pancakes and bacon with orange juice. Harry and I sit at the table sitting directly across from each other, he starts eating and I just kind of start at him and thnk to myself "Is he really as bad as people say he is? Am I falling for him when I promised myself I wouldn't?" After a few minutes he raises his head and catches me staring at him, I quickly look down at my plate and start to eat he then asks me "What?" with a cheesy smile on his face, I say "Nothing, just trying to figure you out." He stops eating for a seconds and asks "What do mean?" And I explain "Well out in public you act like a total jerk, but last night and right now you're acting like such a sweet and caring guy...why is that?" He finishes eating, and without answeering my question gets up from the table and walks over to me and kisses my forehead saying "I have to go now love, I terribly sorry I'll be back later to see how you're doing and we can discuss this later." I say okay even though I really wanted to know now, and I walked him to the door and thanked him again for taking me home and staying eith me until I felt better, and he thanked me for breakfast. With that he left and I didn't see him until later that night...

He knocks at my door with a bouqet of flowers and chocolates, and he gives them to me I thank him and take the fowers and chocolates. I give him a soft kiss on the lips, not realizing what I just did Harry lingers on the kiss and I don't stop because I actually falling for him...oh crap, what have I gotten myself into. After a minute kiss, which seemed like seconds I get out of his grip and place the flowers in a vase, he takes a seat on the couch and Cara walks in looking confused at why Harry is in our apartment. I told her that he just came by to check up on me, I give her a warm smile still confused she said okay and walked to her bedroom. I joined Harry on the couch again and asked him the same question "Why do you act like a jerk in public, but when just you an me you act like a whole different person?" He runs his finger through his hair not reall wanting to answer, but says "because I have a image to uphold, lets leave it at that for now okay?" I agreed, because I could tell he was getting a little irriated. I hear a knock at the door looking through the peep hole noticing it's Dinah, Victoria, and Payton I completely forgot they were coming by tonight, I open the door and greet them all inviting them in, and as soon as the see Harry their smiles turn to frowns. They ask what he's doing here and I tell them what happened and told them what happened. I directed them to Caras bedroom, and asked them to wait there for a few mintues while I finish my conversation with Harry and walk him to the door. As they leave the living room I turn to Harry and apologizing saying "I'm sorry I forgot that they were coming tonight." He  says "That's fine, I've got to get heading home anyways." I give him a soft smile and walk to the door, and as he starts to walk ouot he quickly turns around and kisses me intently, and I engage into the kiss more, we stop after a few moments. And I say "Goodbye Harry." He says "Goodbye darling, I'll see you tomorrow." with a smile on his face and walks off, I close the door and join the other girls.

Hope you enjoyd chapter 2!! :) chapter 3 will be up sometime tomorrow hopefully! Please leave comments and votes!! :) xx

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