Chapter 15

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I wake up, and I notice Harry's gone but there's a note on the pillow. I pick up the note and it says "Sorry I left without saying bye, Niall and I have some business to take care of we'll be pack later. Love you, -H. x"

I think to myself "what's this 'business' that they always have to take care of?" I let it leave my mind and I quickly hop in the shower, and when I get out of the shower Harry bursts through the door.

I instantly notice his knuckles are grazed and have little cuts. I gasp asking "Harry, honey what happened?"

He sits on the bed running his hand through his hair and says "Nothing babe."

I take his hand and say "Harry don't tell me this is nothing." He sighs loudly and says "I got into a fight." I ask "With who?"

I can tell that he's now getting irritated but he replies "No one you know."

I stop with the questions for now and I say "Okay...well let get something to clean your knuckles." I get up from the bed still having the towel wrapped around me and I head into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

I walk back over to Harry and start to clean his knuckles he winces at the pain I say "I'm sorry babe, I'll try to be more gentle." He says "It's fine love."

I continue cleaning his cuts, but with his other hand he puts my hair behind my ear and says "I love seeing your beautiful face every morning."

I look up at him smiling and say "And I love seeing your handsome face." We both laugh realizing how cheesy we sounded.

I finish up his hand and say "Okay now we just need to bandage it so it can heal." He nods and I start wrapping gauze around his hand.

He kisses me saying "Thanks babe." I say "You're welcome." I get up to get dressed, a few mins later I see Harry asleep.

I get in bed with him and rub circles on his chest, and feel his chest go up and down.


End of chapter 15!! Hope you liked it!! I can't believe my fan fic almost has 200 reads! Ahhh amazing<3 thank you all so much!!! Xxx

Also I'll probably update later tonight with chapter 16 :) love you all!! Mwah. Xxxx

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